Help! U.S. Embassy contact?


Jun 24, 2010
I have a friend who needs to pay her $140 before her interview. As many of you may have seen on the news, Banco Ciudad (where you make those payments) is on strike. There's supposedly a way to print a RapiPago form in the application process, but it's not coming up. She does not have an atm card with a Link logo (the other way to pay).

Can anyone help with this or provide information?


A contact in the US embassy won't do anything.
She needs to borrow a link debit card from someone. Only solution.
Hi Paul, just in case your friend didn't figure it out I have some info. For people like your friend (and my boyfriend) who are stuck in the "transition" group of applicants, they cannot pay online/by phone/OR with a LINK card, those options are only available to people applying for a visa using the new system.

Your friend can either go in person to the embassy to pick up a deposit slip OR pick one up at the CAS appointment, where they will take her photo/fingerprints/etc. The deposit slip can then be used to pay at either Citibank or Rapipago, but must be paid before the actual interview at the embassy. I hope this helps!! I also tried without any success to contact someone at the is a complete mess at the moment as they switch over to the new system.
Thanks, StuckLikeGlue! It turns out that she had to pay in person at the Consulate.