HELP: Visa questions

Deborah Florencia

Feb 20, 2011
So i am sure that some where in this forum this question has been answered but i have spent the past 20 min. searching and couldnt find it :(

Anyway, my apologies for the redundancy.

My question is this... I have been living in Buenos Aires for 6 months now. I have already left once to renew my visa and I have to leave again. I do not have time and really do not feel like traveling again to renew my visa. What are the consequences if I dont go? Some one said i have to pay a fine.. how much is the fine and where do I pay it?

Also, I am living here because I am studying my masters at the UTDT in International Relations. I will be soon getting my student visa but I am still waiting on the FBI records from the USA government, which is delaying my student visa process. Anyway, will this delinquencies of not renewing my visa affect my student visa process?

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

Unless something has changed recently you shouldn't have any problem getting your student visa, even if your tourist visa has expired. There is no reason to leave the country to get a new one.

If you don't apply for (and get) the student visa you will have to pay 300 pesos the next time you leave the country. It won't affect your ability to return whenever you want.
Yes, steveinbsas above is correct. Just a couple of months ago, i decided to get a student visa after my tourist visa expired. There was no problem getting the student visa even though the tourist visa had expired.
The fine is 300 pesos and you pay it at EZE when you leave the country. You have to go to migraciones and fill out a form then go to the bank (both in the airport) to pay the fine. Both are open 24 hours per day. I went at 5am on a feriado once and had no problem.

I'd plan on giving yourself at least 1 hour extra to go through the process.

The general consensus on this board is that going to Uruguay is unnecessary. See this thread.
Is there any way that I can be stopped on the bus on the way to Iguazu and have problems? I'm slightly over, and was planning on getting the day Brazil visa in Iguazu and getting a stamp there. I just want to be sure I can GET there without any problems...or I guess I'll do a day trip to Uruguay. Any thoughts/recommendations? I know there are no guarantees!
I had some police hassle me once on the bus to Iguazu because I had forgotten my tourist visa back in BA. I just played dumb and they eventually moved on to yelling at some other people... Good luck!
Ha! I think my visa is a sticker, so unless I want to invalidate my passport and rip it out, they'll be able to see I'm over. Hmm. Ah. Good point. I will just make sure I have a xerox of the front page handy and the passport buried. THANK YOU!