Hernan Lorenzino (Minister Of Economy) ''me Quiero Ir''

I think Sturzneggar hit the nail on the head.

"Lorenzino se quebró porque no se puede vivir tanto con la mentira"

"While attending a ceremony at the Bicentenary Hall in the Government House, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner joked about the recent media scandal involving Economy Minister Hernán Lorenzino and while smiling and pointing at him said: “See? He doesn’t want to go.”
The audience responded with laughter and applause as she continued with the ceremony in which she presented a Credit and Debt-reduction plan for provinces and municipalities." - Buenos Aires Herald

Business as usual then.
What is even more astounding than the absurd politics here is that an entire country thinks this is "normal" and let's it go on.

Oh, right. I forgot. There are no other electable candidates for President and Cabinet.
