Hillary Rodham Clinton Next President Of The United States.

If we want to change the rules after the election is over, we could come up with a system that would make me the winner ie: least votes received, living furthest from Washington, person who most doesn't want the job.

If you are truly "person who most doesn't want the job" then I'll support you next time.

(But - high bar - you'll have to prove you want it less than I do.)
Seem like some Jokers we know down here or does he Mr. Trump not! Messing with media meddling in businesses and that is just the beginning of the list. IMHO if you voted Trump you should be banned from ever voting again your life.
"I like Rick Perry for Energy Secretary. Being from Texas, I think Rick Perry was a good governor. I think he understands energy issues. I love the idea of someone who wanted to shut down the Energy Department as being named the person in charge. Forget his brain-fart about not remembering the name of the department in the debate. Doesn't mean anything to me."

The majority (over 60%) of the budget, manpower, time, and emphasis of the Department of Energy has to do with Nuclear bombs, Nuclear waste cleanup (Hanford, for instance) negotiating with countries like Iran and Pakistan to try to get them to have less of a nuclear program, safety, licensing, and monitoring of US nuclear power plants, and R&D for new, clean, safe, Nuclear power.

We simply cant "shut it down".

Perry, unlike the actual physicists who have run this department for the last ten years or so, actually got "D"s in his college courses in things like "Meats". I kid you not- the guy almost flunked Meats.
He also got a D in "Feeds and Feeding".

Thats the guy I want in charge of the A bombs, right there.

here is one of his actual report cards.

He did get a B in basic animal science.
Thats comforting.

I have asked why is Russia our enemy when they are no longer communist, but nobody can answer that question.

And the answer to your question is that Russia is not our enemy. Do they have their own problems, of course they do. Putin is no saint however in this case, they are being conveniently and deliberately demonized as a scapegoat by a ruling oligarchy that is losing its grip on power. Putin has demonstrated incredible restraint thus far, not giving in to the constant provocations by the US and her cronies. The psychopathic neocons would rather risk a nuclear war with a nation that is not our enemy in order for them to maintain control.

When all else fails, they take you to war. War is the health of the state. During the fog of war, power can be maintained, crimes and incompetence can be extended and concealed. As long as non elected, war mongering neocons pull the levers of power, we will never know times of peace because there will always be an enemy somewhere that we need to go to war against.

The US has been in a non stop war since the end of WWII. The US is also the world's top arms manufacturer. It stands to reason then that if there are no wars to fight, all those missiles, tanks, planes and bullets would just sit idle in the buyer's warehouse. They've got to be used up so that new lucrative, multi billion dollar defense contracts can be signed. It'll be good for the economy they say! It will create jobs!

That's where the Pentagon comes to the rescue. Where no true enemy exists, a suitable one will simply be manufactured using phony evidence, hearsay and blurred satellite images. The mainstream media(4th branch of government) will broadcast the propaganda 24/7, shoving it down our throats until they have successfully manufactured public consent. Anyone that deviates from the establishment narrative will be demonized as "fake news". The mindless, vapid pop culture of Hollywood will then produce movies with our biggest, most trusted actors going up against evil Russian agents.

US good, Russia bad. US good, Russia bad. US good, Russia bad.

Watch Eisenhower's farewell speech as he attempts to warn the American public about the "military industrial complex" as well as a "technocratic elite". It's a shame that nobody listened.

I'm watching the RNC and I'm thinking, come November history will be made as the US elects a female president for the first time in history. Hillary may not be perfect but she has a lot of experience as a diplomat and former wife of a two term president.

On the other hand, El Trump-o has manage to offend every minority group in the country.
Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Muslims and Women.
Trump has never been elected to public office, wont release his Tax return, has been divorced twice & filed for bankruptcy four times.
I can't imagine how he can win.


I suppose it's easier with hindsight but I agree with this: