Hit by car


Sep 18, 2009
It just had to happen eventually and thankfully I wasn't injured. Nor was anyone else.
The forecast had been bad all day so I togged up well and decided to go back via the back roads as opposed to the motorway, which was just as well as the rain was torrential.
Nice quite road (Tren de la Costa road), pissing down but at least I was away from the loonies on the autopista.....or so I thought.
Approached a junction where I had right of way, being on the main road. Car pulls out slowly to my right. Instinct says he won't stop, so I slowed to about 20 giving myself enough time to brake if I needed to, specially due to the rain.
Just when I thought he wasn't going to pull out, he accelerated and it was all in slow motion as I did a Steve Mc Queen when he hit me on the rear quarter, bike on top of me skidding several meters into the rain puddled road.
Could he give a f**k? Not much, as he was quite clearly on a shagging stint with his secretary, who looked shit scared in the car.He had been using his mobile at the time, which he denied.
Bike undamaged and just a few bruises for me.
But a wake up call. You just never know what's round the next corner.
you need eyes in your ass here.i travel the backstreets every day taking the kids to school and i know exactly what you mean,sorry it happened but you are ok thankfully..
I hope you were wearing a helmet!!

I've been hit by cars almost everywhere in the world....well at least in Argentina, USA and Italy :) ..and the lesson I learnt is that many car drivers, irrespective of nationality, believe they can "squeeze in" before a bike. I does not really matter if the cyclist follows the traffic laws, the driver will not. Not giving the right of way, as it happened to you is common. The other "classic" is turning in front of you.
I would feel naked without my helmet, especially as my head (helmet) hit the black stuff on the way down!
Feeling the bruises this morning which I didn't feel at all yesterday. Maybe the adrenaline.
On reflection, I now know that I should have slowed and let him go through, that way nothing would have happened and I would have just sworn at him and forgotten it.
But I let the conditions get the better of me as it was almost a monsoon and didn't fancy getting any wetter by dawdling. Stupid and illogical, as it wouldn't have been possible to get any wetter.
I also didn't listen to my gut instinct, which is always right for almost everybody.
Since I started driving/riding here 6 years ago, I've had to adapt to the other drivers idiosyncrasies. IE they very rarely indicate. They just stop all of a sudden for no reason. They put their hazards on to indicate they are about to perform some unknown manoeuvre,which could mean anything from finding a parking place to using the ejector seat.
Note to self: always give the f**kers the benefit of the doubt. Take one now and repeat ad infinitum.
Not going to bang on about how badly they drive here, because we all know that. But some, if not most Arg drivers need some serious education.
As bikers we are invisible and even more invisible when the other bloke is talking on his cellphone which was the case here.
I very nearly clocked him and he would have deserved it.
I'm glad to know that you didn't get seriously hurt.
It's crazy to drive a motorbike in this city, I know by experience please leave the high beams on all the time so drivers can see you.
Lights on at all times and thanks Lucas.
Rubber side down, shiny side up!
So glad you weren't seriously injured - you have cojones of steel to ride a bike here. I'm shit-scared to drive a car in Arg b/c of the crazy drivers:eek:.

Take it easy today and if you have some arnica, rub it on the bruises.
Glad to hear your ok with just some bruises. dont let it detour your riding though, get back on and get back out there, with lots of caution of corse..