
miss alison smith

Jun 28, 2010
Hi all,

i'm an Australian recently moved to Bs As looking to meet new people and learn more about the vida portena.

I came here to volunteer at an NGO called Pro Vivienda Social. They have just offerered me a paid position which means i can stay longer ;) if i can get the paperwork required ;(

I'll be working as a Monotribuista so i need a QUIT number. Can anyone let me know the proceedures invloved? I have been told i need to apply for Resedencia Precauria first. Do i need a full DNI to get the QUIT number?

Any tips would be warmly welcome!

to get the residencia precaria (which is basically a piece of paper you are given before your DNI is processed), you need to apply for a temporary visa (there's a few threads on it here).

In order to apply for a temporary visa, you need to be either a full-time student, have/obtain an Argentine family member (spouse, child, etc), receive a guaranteed income from abroad (rental property, pension, etc), or be a contracted employee.

Employees asking you to be a monotributista (freelance) is a way for them to avoid paying full/any taxes on your wages, paying your health insurance contributions, paying the 1 month extra salary employers are obliged to pay their employees here, etc. It's a cop-out, basically (can you tell I've been there!!). It especially irritates me coming from NGOs, etc, who one would think should treat their employees decently (especially those that rely on a contract to be legal here)!

As a foreigner without a visa, you cannot be a monotributista (at least not legally) and you certainly cannot obtain a precaria, then later a DNI. In order for you to stay here legally, the NGO will have to EMPLOY YOU! Another side point is that if you did already have residence here and were asked to register as a monotributista, you will have to pay your own taxes, insurance if you want it - and should take that all into consideration when negotiating a salary.