Holiday Or Aircon?

go for the AC in 50 installments and go then to for a weekend, only an hour or so drive but it feels like another world...
oops, i shouldn't be making publicity here, no? :D Still! You might like it!
buy a fan powered by photovoltaics and a wind turbine plus backup accumulator batteries 'cos the power will be down on those days (and nights) you need air con the most :(

if you got air con you grow to depend upon it :eek:

you can build one from components available anywhere - except Argentina :angry:

so that's why you need to go on holiday to go buy the bits :D
The Silent Pier looks like a great escape.
I'm knocking something together in the garage involving some plastic tubing, gaffer tape, an old vacuum cleaner and some freon mixed with anti freeze.
That should do it.
One of my better decisions...
All I can say is...aaaaaaaaahhhh!
It's a luxury (aircon), that's what it is.
Now we can walk around without our heads explodong :)