Concerning the colectivo drivers, it has already been said that it is a stressfull job. AFAIK their companies collect the fines and then appeal all at once and they expire since no judges are available to treat those cases. Don't know if it is true. And I think they collect several hundred or thousand fines a day in capital federal alone (I have the number 3000 in my head).
Anyway, whenever something happens the media bash the colectivo drivers. Don't forget that there are 10,000 colectivos in the gran buenos aires. When 12 people die in a minibus/combi-crash it gets a lot less attention. Happens a lot though. People drive very mad in BsAs. Colectivo drivers at least are experienced drivers unless many of the rest.
Anyway, whenever something happens the media bash the colectivo drivers. Don't forget that there are 10,000 colectivos in the gran buenos aires. When 12 people die in a minibus/combi-crash it gets a lot less attention. Happens a lot though. People drive very mad in BsAs. Colectivo drivers at least are experienced drivers unless many of the rest.