hotel in barrio once

Roxana said:
I dont think only about the language barrier. That area reminds me of New York City, Porth Authority or East Bronx areas. Crowded of low class people during the day, and empty in a scary way after business hours.

Low class people??!! Nooooooo way!!! That can't can't be!!!

OMG!!!THat is so gross!!!


Does anyone want to buy a house in Once?
JoeBlow said:
Comment bordering on racist.
How is this racist? Edit. upon reading your nonsense, do not bother replying.
JoeBlow, kindly acquaint yourself with the "multi-quote" button, it's the one next to "quote". That way, you don't need a separate post for every one-line response.

Once is not the most pleasant part of town, but from Corrientes and up, Pueyrredon is fine and certainly not dangerous. Jewish neighborhood, lots of synagogues and kosher restaurants.

Try Hotel Abasto, it's a fine hotel, and has good deals sometimes.
@ Joeblow, it is not an offense to belong to the low class. Or it is not dangerous to stay in a hotel where low class people walk during business hours.
JoeBlow said:
See previous comment.
Speaking english or whiping out a map in the streets around the area would call the wrong type of attention to himself.
Hey, unless he's after Turismo Aventura. He wont be bored for sure!
If it´s a "motel" do they rent rooms by the hour? There are many in BA.
Guillo said:
Speaking english or whiping out a map in the streets around the area would call the wrong type of attention to himself.
Hey, unless he's after Turismo Aventura. He wont be bored for sure!
Speaking english and whipping out maps calls the wrong attention to you in almost every barrio here. Might as well have a big sign that says pick my pocket and it will happen in recoleta or once.

During the day I think you're probably less likely to be a victim of violent crime in once as you are most other barrios other than puerto madero, simply due to the shear quantity of pedestrian traffic. And if you have a map out and are speaking english at night you're at risk where ever you are.

I watch my back when I'm in once but I'm never scared. Its well lit and for the most part well traveled through all hours of the night. Not to mention there are a fair number of police around the plaza/train station who, although can't be bothered to bust up drug deals or arrest the hookers, will probably intervene in any serious crime. I'm often a lot more freaked out on the DARK, EMPTY, tree-lined side streets of palermo than I am walking through once after getting off the train at night.