Housing near Lincoln School?


Feb 1, 2012
Hi. My husband's work in the US has just given our family the opportunity to move to S. America. We can pick where to set up. We are still debating whether to do it in the first place....but have narrowed it down to BA or Santiago (leaning towards BA). I have lots of questions but will try to put them in separate threads.

First off, the kids would likely be at Lincoln School. As I'm going on-line trying to look at houses and apartments for a family of 5 (just to get an idea of what's available for what price), it is difficult for me to tell what is where. Could anyone direct me to a district/neighborhood/search term for an area that would be within 10 min. of the school? Or even walking distance?

Ideally, we would love to be very close, as well as be within walking distance of cafes and shops. I am getting the sense from what I've read that Lincoln is out in the suburbs, so may not be walking distance to cafes, etc.?

For example, I love the sound of Recoleta, Belgrano, Palermo, but from what I can tell they are not near the school?

Our company is willing to pay well for nice housing, so I'm not currently worried about budget.

Thanks for this and any other advice!
MNMom said:
Hi. My husband's work in the US has just given our family the opportunity to move to S. America. We can pick where to set up. We are still debating whether to do it in the first place....but have narrowed it down to BA or Santiago (leaning towards BA). I have lots of questions but will try to put them in separate threads.

First off, the kids would likely be at Lincoln School. As I'm going on-line trying to look at houses and apartments for a family of 5 (just to get an idea of what's available for what price), it is difficult for me to tell what is where. Could anyone direct me to a district/neighborhood/search term for an area that would be within 10 min. of the school? Or even walking distance?

Ideally, we would love to be very close, as well as be within walking distance of cafes and shops. I am getting the sense from what I've read that Lincoln is out in the suburbs, so may not be walking distance to cafes, etc.?

For example, I love the sound of Recoleta, Belgrano, Palermo, but from what I can tell they are not near the school?

Our company is willing to pay well for nice housing, so I'm not currently worried about budget.

Thanks for this and any other advice!

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that the Lincoln School is IN Belgrano.

I'll check now, so that you don't have to.
You cannot be within the city limits and be within walking distance to the school. Its about 5 miles out of the city. Its possible that you could find some temporary rentals there, but its unlikely, especially for a family of five.

If you are going to be here for 2 years, its possible that you could get an unfurnished rental for 2 years. It is easier to out of the city.

If you don't want to be so far out of the city, I would recommend Belgrano, Nunez or perhaps Las Canitas. Recoleta and Palermo are really going to be to far from the school for you.
OK, if this address is correct:

Asociacion Escuelas Lincoln
Andrés Ferreyra 4073
La Lucila, Provincia de Buenos Aires
Argentina 1637

If you want the kids to walk to school, you're going to have to look at the neighborhoods:

La Lucila, and to a lesser extent- Acassuso.

Biking distance you can hit Martinez & Olivos, but all of these are going to leave you in the suburbs.
va2ba said:
Recoleta and Palermo are really going to be to far from the school for you.

If you lived in Belgrano, you could take the train from Barrio Chino to the edge of town. Then transfer to the Tren de la Costa.

This will be a bit time consuming and not-too-cheap if done every day. But still provides an opportunity to live IN the city and yet not drive.
Napoleon said:
If you lived in Belgrano, you could take the train from Barrio Chino to the edge of town. Then transfer to the Tren de la Costa.

This will be a bit time consuming and not-too-cheap if done every day. But still provides an opportunity to live IN the city and yet not drive.

You could also take the train and then walk to the school after getting off at the La Lucila station. Did that the other while visiting a friend and it only took 15 minutes and that was with the heat, heavy backpack, and pushing a baby stroller.
I live in Palermo and my kids go to Lincoln. Most of the areas by the school are very nice but similar to suburbs in the states. It takes my kids about 30 minutes by bus to and from school. Also, could you happen to be from MN? If so send me a message as I am too.
You might want to consider the neighborhood of Martinez, close to La Lucila but probably not within walking distance of the school. Definitely within a 10 min drive. It's quite a nice suburb!
Wow, thank you everyone for all of your input! At least I have some places to start. Random searches were getting overwhelming.

Napoleon - are all of these neighborhoods you referenced relatively safe for a family with 3 small kids? I assume so or you probably wouldn't be recommending them...but after reading so many things about crime it makes me wonder if we managed to get a house with a yard, whether I'd be able to let the kids play outside anyway!

One of you mentioned that it might be possible to get an unfurnished rental for 2 years. That's the second time I've seen a reference to 2 years. Is that some kind of rental cut off? We would probably be there 3-5 years. Is it hard to find rentals that are that long-term?

Finally, does anyone have recommended companies for viewing properties on-line (not necessarily for using them - I'm just looking for good websites just to start getting ideas)?

Thanks again so much. It's always really amazing to me that complete strangers on another continent are so willing to help out!
buddha said:
I live in Palermo and my kids go to Lincoln. Most of the areas by the school are very nice but similar to suburbs in the states. It takes my kids about 30 minutes by bus to and from school. Also, could you happen to be from MN? If so send me a message as I am too.
Buddha - yes, I am indeed from MN. I'm new to this forum and have been trying for the life of me to figure out how to email your or PM you, but do not see either option next to your post, nor in the User CP section (whatever I click on in User CP sends me to an error page saying admin has not enabled). I'm sure I must not have enabled it somehow when I set up the account. I'll work on that, but in the meantime, if you can figure out how to PM me, I'd love to hear about life in BA from a fellow Minnesotan :)