How Do Euro Expats Vote In The Euro Elections In Argentina?

I was registered a while back but they require you to send yearly letters registering and to be honest its more hassle than its worth.

Also i doubt any mailed vote would arrive in time to be counted.

Just looked it up and wouldn't be allowed to vote anyway as none of the following applies to me.

You can vote in the European Parliament elections if you are registered to vote and you are:
  • A British citizen living in the UK
  • A qualifying Commonwealth citizen living in the UK
  • A citizen of the Republic of Ireland living in the UK
  • A European Union citizen living in the UK
  • Someone registered to vote as a Crown Servant
  • Someone registered to vote as a Service voter
If i could wander along to the embassy to vote with my passport or vote electronically i would but as it is now fuck that.
If i was allowed to vote i would vote green as locally (UK) i agree with them most.
Honestly, I didn't vote at any election since I left Germany 6 years ago. It's such a long process and having no intention to live in Europe in the foreseeable future, I just give it a pass and let the ones who need to suffer under the elected parties decide ;) Even though now I'm a little bit scared that VoteMan comes to visit me...
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My obscure EU country has a website for that, the problem is all candidates are sponsored by big business and are corrupted to the core. Local press freely reports of their incompetence and shady business deals. Will skip it.
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