How do you define good customer service?


Jun 30, 2010
Anyone who’s been in business awhile knows their business must define good customer service in order to build your customer base and, ultimately, your profits. What does customer service mean to you? Better yet, what does it mean to your customers? When they define good customer service, does your business immediately come to their minds?
Sadly, many small businesses will pour considerable time, effort, and money into operations, marketing, and product development, but put very little focus on trying to define good customer service. If only they realized that having great customer service is the most important factor in how profitable they will eventually become! How do they plan on attracting new clients and retaining old ones if they don’t treat them properly?

Having said that - What happened to the people of Buenos Aires? I have noticed more arrogance, rudeness and lack of customer service. Sales clerks in grocery stores etc are so slow that molasses flows faster.

Have you ever wondered why tourism is down 37% in Argentina in 2010. You can blame it on the recession but why should tourists pay top $$$ and receive the worst attitude from the people when there are many places in the world that still smile and greet someone and maybe, just maybe, say "thank you" for your business.