How good of a private school is Lincoln?


Sep 20, 2018
Obviously much cheaper than US private schools. I have a friend that went there and loved it. But looking for more opinions and whether there are other schools to consider?
You mean Lincoln in Belgrano o r La Lucila?
I didn't know there was a difference. Is there something equivalent to Hotchkiss, Andover etc... in Argentina?
I didn't know there was a difference. Is there something equivalent to Hotchkiss, Andover etc... in Argentina?
I don't know about these schools you mention. I can only tell you that Lincoln in Belgrano is not related to Lincoln La Lucila in any way. The one in La Lucila follows the US school calendar and curriculum, most children that attend have parents working for embassies, etc.
St. George's, Cardenal Newman, and San Andres are considered the top elite schools in Argentina. Can be snobbish and hard for children not belonging to the local elite.

Cristoforo Colombo is also good, also elitist.
St. George's, Cardenal Newman, and San Andres are considered the top elite schools in Argentina. Can be snobbish and hard for children not belonging to the local elite.

Cristoforo Colombo is also good, also elitist.
Are they hard to get into? I got the impression from Lincoln that if I will pay my kids are auto-admits.
Are they hard to get into? I got the impression from Lincoln that if I will pay my kids are auto-admits.
I suspect you're right - and I think ability to pay is the main factor at the other schools.
Are they hard to get into? I got the impression from Lincoln that if I will pay my kids are auto-admits.
Hello Fiscal. Old thread but in a similar situation (looking at Lincoln) and curious how you resolved/ what you chose if any. If open via DM of course, I would be interested to hear.