There is a magic wheel painted in the floor of a room hidden inside the casa rosada. It has numbers inside it, like +10, +15, +50, -10, -20, you get the drift. Every few days, at night, there is a gathering between Cristina, Magnetto, Lanata, Messi, Piano and other celebrities. They get naked and start dancing while holding bottles of crystal. When someone pass out, they stop dancing and start screaming at a frighten chicken that has a cowboy hat. The first one that grabs it, has the honor of removing his head in a ceremony called "Wonka Wonka".
Once they do that, they thrown the chicken at the floor and see where it moves. If the body fells at +10, then they set the price 10 cents above yesterday's price. If it falls in around +50, they announce a new measure to help fix the rate. Then at the next morning, they call the owners of the mayor cuevas and they tell them to sell at that price.
Here is some proof:
ouff, thanks for that!