How much of a problem is the language barrier in your daily life as an expat?

I find the generational differences in the language here to be amusing sometimes.
over a certain age, they buy le-VEZ pants. Younger people have Leave-eyes.
Guilty as charged: I think I've never ever in my life pronounced "Levis" the way you guys pronounce it. It happens with American brands in most languages.
Another example which I'll never understand is the mispronounciation of "bluff" ("bleff") instead of "bloff".
When I was getting married the wife to be kept going on about the Cat-ering, saying the first bit like Cat the animal.

I thought it was some kind of religious rite we had to go through.

Took me a couple of months to realise what she was going on about “ohhh you mean the Caytering”
LOL. That was fun to read.
Ha no actually. To be fair in English we sometimes use Spanish words incorrectly. In Ireland sometimes people say “No problemo”. I dont think Spanish speakers would ever say this.
I like it when native English speakers use "vamoooo" or other Spanish words. On the other hand I'm not a fan of French sentences like "quelle surprise"; which I happen to see from time to time.
Pronunciation is a endless source of amusement between my Argentinian wife and I. The way my wife vs the way I pronounce the well known Argentinian clothing brand “Eyelit” is quite funny.