How to handle a theft


Jun 5, 2009
Recent boyfriend split and took my new laptop with him. Friendly requests to return bring no result. He is claiming he left everything that was mine, taking only what was his. Is this 9/10's of the law...and I am out a 1000 dollar machine? I know where he is living but he has make threats about my trying to go there to recoup. Is police a viable resort? Should I just do the lawyer letter thing?

Or, just consider this an expensive lesson.

He also walked away with a lot of my pride....which is not recoupable.
Really sorry to hear that

Have you got anyway to prove its yours? Receipt or something similar?

Hopefully you can make an denuncia at the police station, and say he robbed you. Which is true. If he's taken your stuff, which you can prove is yours, hopefully you can get the police to intervene.

Am sure there are legal eagles on the forum who can give you some more authoritative advice

jp said:
Really sorry to hear that

Have you got anyway to prove its yours? Receipt or something similar?

This is very important. Just as important is if there is any way to prove he took it. This could be witnesses, security cameras, etc.

You could file a report with the police or directly at court. The effect will be the same: it will be assigned to a prosecutor (fiscal) that will review the available evidence and may try to obtain further evidence.

Unless you have solid evidence that he took it, the case will not prosper, and you will end up paying more than the laptop's value in lawyer fees.

On the other hand, you could file the police report, just to use it to pressure him with lawyer letters, telegrams (cartas documento) etc. to try to get him to return the computer.

If you need any help drafting the report or the letters/telegrams, I can be contacted at [email protected] or at my cell phone 15-5478-7788.
BTW, is this related in any way to your other post regarding finding out who owns an apartment?
Very sorry to hear about your bad experience. Please, don't let him take away your pride - most likely your only mistake was to be trusting, while he sounds like a pro at this kind of scam. Was he an Argentine? There are some who prey on foreigners, but in the long run they are losers.

Before going the legal route, consider that he may have already sold your computer, or perhaps gave it to someone else to hide it for a while.

Best of luck...!

How to handle a country where you cant trust anyone and no one gets punished.

A minister of the K administration called a friend of someone I know. He was told to lower his firms prices in order to fight inflation. When he explained that this was impossible and out of the question, he was told in words forever burned into that mans memory "I know where your kids go to school and what your wife does during the day." He asked what this meant, but the meaning was clear from this govt. official. Evil reigns over a diseased society, a mafia cloaked in the guise of democracy.

Youll find Argentina appropriately sandwiched between Africa's Benin and Gabon.

My point is this society is full of despicable people, beware and watch out.
odyssea said:
Recent boyfriend split and took my new laptop with him. Friendly requests to return bring no result. He is claiming he left everything that was mine, taking only what was his. Is this 9/10's of the law...and I am out a 1000 dollar machine? I know where he is living but he has make threats about my trying to go there to recoup. Is police a viable resort? Should I just do the lawyer letter thing?

Or, just consider this an expensive lesson.

He also walked away with a lot of my pride....which is not recoupable.
put it down to experience,It,and he,aint worth the bother,best rid,go on and enjoy your life with a little more caution;)best of luck to you:)
Do you have travels insurance? If so, make a police report and said you were robbed. Sorry to hear though, must suck losing your computer like that.

brocolliandtea said:
A minister of the K administration called a friend of someone I know.

And that's exactly how rumors gets started.
This is one I will write off. The price of experience. Thanks to all.