How to hire a van to take us from BA to Cordoba?

you aware of the requirements to bring pets into argentina?
To an extent, yes. But every other list of requirements we look at lists same, similar, and different requirements, most of which we have done or will do, but one or two which seem really farfetched (calling Argentina's government agency SENSA to authorize the pets for travel?) or that don't provide any detail at all on how to do it. We've already made all the arrangements and prepared all the documents and whatnot regarding flying their however, so we feel safe in that respect. My next post (here or perhaps in my wife's realm of the internet) was going to be if anyone has any solid experience traveling INTO Argentina with pets, and what kind of things they were asked to show once arriving (separate from what the airline required). Because so far, the flights are all set, but we're still a little worried that the airport/customs/immigration/security/whathaveyou might not allow them entry once we get off the plane. But that's a post for another day (unless you can shed some light on it now, in which case by all means).
there have been a few threads on here about it you can search for, but sounds like though you are on the right track. i think the main thing is if they travel as cargo it can take some hours for them to be released, so consider that. and make sure you are clear on your airline's rules.

govt rules are here

there have been a few threads on here about it you can search for, but sounds like though you are on the right track. i think the main thing is if they travel as cargo it can take some hours for them to be released, so consider that. and make sure you are clear on your airline's rules.

govt rules are here

Thanks. We've had that site bookmarked for awhile now, though google auto translate leaves some to be desired. It also mentions SENSA but I don't think it's saying we must contact them ahead of time to authorize our pets for entry like another site said. For the most part I do think we'll be OK, but I will continue to research and will look for more threads regarding pet travel in the meantime as well. Appreciate the headsup.