Maybe this can help: I have been experimenting for about a month now on what to do if I don't want to spend an hour in the kitchen before work every day. Three benefits?
I can easily track what I´m eating on sparkpeople/fitday
It's cheap and not time consuming to prepare (1 hr 2xweek).
Not a lot of dishes to wash!
I think it comes out to about $6 pesos a day, but it involves very simple foods. So, it´s not for everyone:
From Casa Naturista (Serrano y Niceto). There's another inexpensive Dietetica on Lavelleja, I think, 2 blocks north of Corrientes off the corner.
Lentils 500g- $5.50
Brown rice 500g - $5
Avena (oats) 500g- $5
From a verduleria
1 kg carrots - $6
1 kg cebolla - $6
From wherever
Packet of bay leaves - laurel - this will last months? - $6
Packet of tomillo - same, months - $7
Canela - months - no clue
Those are my guestimates from the past week as I don't have my receipts here.
I eat oats in the morning with hot water. $5/500g lasts at least the work week, so that's $1 breakfast. I can use the sugar or fake sugar packets from a cafe if I need a change.
I make about half a packet of the lentils twice a week and that lasts me lunch and dinner for about 2-3 days. The rice actually lasts me a bit longer.
So I've been doing it for a month now. Is it boring? I guess. But I happen to like lentils
. I prefer having more fresh veg in summer and am not as picky in winter. Switching to black beans is also possible, but I think they're a peso more per 500g. I think this hits the $6/day. I don't really feel deprived, but my Argentine friends tell me to eat more greens.
I buy whatever veg or meat I want on the weekends, but I imagine anyone actually living on $6/day isn't doing it for convenience. Theoretically I could swap out the oatmeal for a single egg for breakfast. Yes, I think living on that is doable and it's not that bad. I'm not 4 people like in the Carrefour list, so I can't get that kind of variety on $6/day without a lot of planning.