I Am Coming To Buenos Aires In August - Advice Welcome

Interesting, but I doubt Chili's has a university or is a country, Columbia is also tough
to get in to...

I don't suppose you mean Chile and Colombia do you?

Perhaps we old timers should show empathy..

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"[/background]The greatness of an individual is most accurately defined by how it treats its most marginalized piers.[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]"[/background]
If you want to travel around Argentina, Id say a month is not enough. Patagonia, Iguazu, Salta, Mendoza, Cordoba.... plus BsAs? 3 months are ok (if not more).-

Yeah but unless you want to ski I'd avoid going south of the Mendoza/Cordoba line (unless it's to Puerto Madryn, August/Sept is great for whalewatching!!)

Hi all

I am 28 and a school teacher in London and I am leaving my job to travel the world for a year with my husband. I am coming to Buenos Aires in August and staying for 2/3 months.

Any advice on the following would be welcome: -

- Hostel recommendations for the first week?
- Things to see for the first week?
- Great bars?
- Has anyone done workaway?
- Do I need a visa to get work in Buenos Aires?

Literally know nothing so any advice would be welcome and would be lovely to meet up with anyone who fancies a drink when we are there.

Love Vicky xxx

Hi Vicky!

I'll be in London by the end of May. If you fancy a chat over a coffee, I'll be more than happy to help you out with whatever you may need.

