I'm broke

fred mertz

Jun 11, 2009
Today, Saturday 19/07, I tried to get money from several ATM bank machines in Recoleta. Are they not working or have amy bon vivant neighbors emptied them out?
and be careful.a pensioner drew out 1,800 pesos and the notes were ALL false!!!!!!!!!!!!
HowardinBA said:
and be careful.a pensioner drew out 1,800 pesos and the notes were ALL false!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh?? Tell us about that!

PS, I'm broke too but that has nothing to do with the ATMs. LOL.
But I sympathize & I'm going to agree with Lee that they are probably empty and you will have to keep trying.
mini said:
Huh?? Tell us about that!

PS, I'm broke too but that has nothing to do with the ATMs. LOL.
But I sympathize & I'm going to agree with Lee that they are probably empty and you will have to keep trying.
Hi Mia.I just heard it on the news:(
Perhaps this is the story. A retiree was given fake, new fifty-peso bills by a cashier at the Banco Ciudad, in Las Heras and Ocampo. They had no water marks, the same serial numbers, and were flat - no raised printing.


"Señor Director:

"Mi esposa cobró, como siempre, su jubilación en el Banco Ciudad, Suc. de Avda. Las Heras y Ocampo, y recibió billetes nuevos. Al efectuar un pago con un billete de 50 pesos, el comerciante lo rechazó por falso. Ya en casa, y con la ayuda de una persona que trabaja en un comercio y conoce de billetes, comprobamos que todos los billetes eran falsos: sin la marca de agua y los de cada nominación con el mismo número de serie sin las impresiones en relieve. Acompañados por un abogado, nos entrevistamos con la gerenta de la sucursal y presentamos una nota de reclamo.

"La buena calidad del papel no dio para desconfiar. Se evitaría este problema si hubiera en ventanilla una luz ultravioleta para examinarlo. Este es un duro golpe para nuestras magras finanzas. Confiamos en que el banco sabrá compensar a una jubilada de 80 años y en que la policía pueda descubrir a la banda de falsificadores."
Jorge R. Canova