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This is the most misleading statement you have made to date.
(She refers that "if you do not qualify for residency, then you probably qualify for citizenship").
The factors for not qualifying for residency are unlimited and depend on the category, but not qualifying for residency does not mean "you probably qualify for citizenship".
Well, let´s see. For getting citizenship you need to be 18 years old, to apply for it before a federal judge and to have lived here for 2 years.
IL forbids residency with illegal entry, CL allows it.
IL forbids residency with deportation order, CL allows it.
IL forbids residency with working under the table, CL allows it.
IL forbids residency with criminal records, CL allows it under certain circumstances.
IL requieres that you full fit a visa category, the CL doesn't.
And so on.
Some factors that can disqualify a residency approval are : having a criminal record in another country, lack of or no credible documents to prove nationality, not having sufficient proof of financial resources for a pension, lack of or insufficient documents to prove property rental income, etc. and the list goes on.
I have read more than enough citizenship case decisions over the past 3 years, at all levels from first instance all the way to the Supreme Court, to be more than convinced that there is no way any lawyer can say that "if you don't qualify for residency then you probably quality for citizenship"without putting his client's interests at serious risk.
Until now you have evidenced that you do not understand the legal system of this country.
Part of our job as lawyers is to be honest with clients about their prospects for success and not to line our own pockets at their expense, especially when we know they don't have a snow ball's chance in hell of succeeding.
With all my respect, talk about yourself. You are not even a lawyer licensed to work in this country while I won over 150 cases under the circunstances you critize.
FYI, because you have no idea about it, the ethics law forbids licensed lawyers to promise success.
There are as many opinions as lawyers but success (the evidence that the theories, knowledge and skills are togheter) is what makes lawyers to be recommended by his previous happy clients. This is the way it works here.
You quote the issues in your cases all the time but fail to mention the caratula (name)
Seems that now you do not even understand what professional secret is...
In fact, because this process is one that does not require a lawyer, the courts have an unwritten policy to help applicants as much as they can. I do not however endorse following the advice of court clerks as they are not lawyers and often lead you on wild goose chases.
This assert is hilarious.
As such, I strongly recommend NOT trying to do this process without a lawyer because procedural law here in Argentina is quite complicated and courts are often very inefficient so having a lawyer is almost a necessity if you want to have a chance at success.
I disagree. If you apply without a lawyer, you loose the chance of the automatic dismissal of the first judge the Chamber assigns you. But if you are lucky with the judge you got, you can do it yourself. If nothing happens, then you can hire a lawyer.
Dr. Rubilar, if you wish to exchange opinions, I would ask that you do it in a way that is not insulting or condescending.
I´m not interested in exchanging opinions with you, I' m a professional, not a blogger.
I dedicated some time to correct all your false asserts / mistakes / lack of experience only because I'm super bored lying at bed after an operation.
I would also respectfully request that you refrain from posting potentially misleading statements such as this one because this does a great disservice to foreigners who are looking for ways to remain here by obtaining their DNI's through the residency process or by obtaining their citizenship.
Well, my assert was 100% correct so, I would also respectfully request to do not pretend to be a licenced lawyer of this country because then you can mislead foreigners who read you.
If I misunderstand you again and you have an Id of the Bar Association, the explicit your tomo y folio because you have wroke no less than half of the ethic duties of the Bar Association Ethics Law.