Immobilario - How Much Is Their Fees?

Argentina for a renter sad to say is a total rip off most of the time
months of commissions, plus the renters pays expensas(apt fees, assesments, however you want to call them) plus ABL in most cases
It is not like this in most places of the world!
Ben, Is it 2 months rental or is it 2 months rental +20% IVA? ( Any idea on the IVA part?). Thank you.

I never paid IVA.

Argentina for a renter sad to say is a total rip off most of the time
months of commissions, plus the renters pays expensas(apt fees, assesments, however you want to call them) plus ABL in most cases
It is not like this in most places of the world!

Doesn't really matter, if 'landlord' pays it the costs get passed on to the tenant either way, the landlord is not running a charity. It just means the tenant pays it in the form of rent.
For me it was indeed plus IVA - every long-term contract I've had. I'm surprised any real estate office would do it without IVA.
Has the government laid out any rules for the fees to be charged by immobilarios?

Ok. Agreed IVA is official.

But what about different terms being laid out by different immobilarios. Surprising that their is no set pattern.

Thanks all for your feedback.
I have never heard that there is any limit or guideline on fees the inmobiliarias can charge. May be, it wouldn't surprise me, but I've never heard of it.

But to me, the set pattern is between one and two months value of first month's rent as commission. I've never seen anything different on long term rentals over the 7-some-odd years I've been renting long term.

Seems the smaller companies are 1 to 1.5 months and companies like Remax (who I rented my latest apartment from) charge 2 months. But I've also found, with one exception, that the bigger companies work harder to find you something than the smaller companies do. With one exception among the smaller companies, I called them for a specific apartment and went to see it, and I never got a call back from them on other apartments that became available while I was looking. With Remax and the one small company exception, I got a multitude of emails related to new possibilities of apartments that met my guidelines.

I never was offered anything as a percentage of the total lease or anything like that with any inmobiliaria, always between 1 and 2 months. May have been that others with whom I never tried to make a deal would have offered something different.
Remax was very proactive with us, but in the end we found our place through a smaller and local agency in San Isidro.
The other big names, such as Imhoff, Toribio Achaval, etc. seemed to deal with a different (and wealthier) crowd than us.
How about " when does one make a payment to a immobilario".

I am dealing with a immobilario, who says " put some money on the table, then we will take your proposal forward to the owner else its not worth our time".

I find this ridiculous?

When have you guys made the first payment? Either to the owner or to the immobilario? Was it before the immobilario went to the owner? And what happens to that money if the deal does not fall through?