My husband and I had planned on shipping a car, new Rav4, when we moved here...luckily we found out, last minute the rules had changed, as they always do here! It would have cost us a fortune to do so ...would have been taxed at least 80% of the value of the car, and that was Argentine value!! Could have bought another car for that! And if we hadn't been able to pay,then we would have had to pay for it to be shipped back to the states!
He is Argentine, has a DNI, so it is just NOT worth the hassle. Plus driving here is the worse! They just don't know how to drive and become different people behind the wheel! Just once I would like to be able to get from point A to point B and not have issues with the idiot drivers on the road!
Stanexpat is 100% right ...DON'T do it!