In Australia, Misogyny Lives On ....!!!

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Not only in Argentina female leaders are criticized by the D&G shoes, size of her bottom or cost of purses...!!


Very Attractive a Real Redhead

“Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail — small breasts, huge thighs and a big red box.”

Women across Australia had clinked glasses at her ascension: at last, the mold was smashed. She was an unmarried red-haired atheist with no children, living with a hairdresser boyfriend who often rose early to tend to her tresses.
I didnt care much for her personal life, but her running of the country left a little to be desired (in my opinion). There were certainly a few people (shamefully) that attacked her for not being married and the fact her partner is a hair dresser. But, then her and the party would attack the Opposition Leader for being misogynist, chauvinistic male etc so it certainly wasn´t a one way street (albeint two wrongs do not make a right).

Its never a good start when you become the leader of a country, unelected by the people (she became PM when she beat then PM Kevin Rudd in a Labor Party leadership challenge). And then in the following election there was a hung parliament (the labor party retaining government through deals with independent and the Greens Party).

In an interesting twist, just a couple of weeks ago she lost the PM to Rudd, in the same way she gained it!
Poor Julia, I feel sorry for her. Yes she did knife Rudd, a man who despite a landslide majority couldn't enact legislation. Spent far too much time spinning on TV, or around the world, they didn't call him 747 for nothing! :D, and who's brand of authoritarian dictictorial politics saw him dumped from the leadership by his own party. But like most male pollies he didn't go quietly! Oh no, he stuck around like a bad smell, and now Rudd a.k.a Tin Tin is back......a reformed character we're led to believe! I think not!

To give Julia her dues, even with a hung Parliament, she still presided over the hardest working Australian Parliament since the 1970's with more legislation enacted than any other in the past 30 years, whilst successfuly negotiating agreements with other parties to ensure a lasting and sustainable legacy to all Australians. Not bad for an athiestic, childless by choice spinster who lives with a Hairdresser by choice. Then again Australia is the land of John 'stop the boats' Howard, Paul 'the antique clock' Keating and best of all Bob 'I'm not a womanizer or a drunk' Hawke! These men have all been cellebrated for their successes as well as for their shortcomings, but when it comes to a female P.M it appears to me that this country is like most others......strictly 4th division when it comes to women.