In defense of Milei

Reading comprehension isn't the problem. You have presented one quote, and told us what book you got it from, but not where the author of the book got that quote, or in what year Perón allegedly said this. And even if the quote is legit, saying that the roots of your philosophy include Socialism isn't the same as being a Bolshevik. In the same quote, he says the other part of his roots are Catholicism, and the Catholic church in Argentina supported the dictatorship, who definitely were not Socialists.

Redlobster is talking about the reality of Peronism, how it actually worked, and that is more important than any quote, especially one taken completely out of context.

Furthermore, you keep ignoring the fact that the Socialists of Argentina were then and still are quite distinctly anti-Peronist.
If you can afford to do so, why don't you buy the book and find out? You and 'redlobster' can read it together. And then if you're still confused, go down to the Casa Rosada and talk to anyone who voted for Milei.

It's always amusing how gringos go to another country and think that they know more than the locals. The current President of Argentina ran an entire campaign on this subject yet you are still confused. Amazing. I have better things to do.
Argue the point with Perón; not me...

Ok, let's go back to the quote that supposedly clearly demonstrates that Peron was a socialist.

Perón argued: 'We believe that there are only two philosophies in the world that can embrace and give direction to the major ideological orientations: one is Christian philosophy, which is already 2,000 years old and has continued to sustain itself through 20 centuries; and the other is Marxist philosophy, which is the philosophy of communism... There is no other."

Perón doesn’t mention socialism at all. He simply says that there are two prominent philosophies - Christian and Marxist, without expressing a clear personal preference for either. Joe Biden could have easily said the same thing when visiting Moscow in the '70s.
Socialism is mostly about collective ownership of the economy. If a political movement is not against private property, they don't stand for socialism.

You are confusing this with "social democracy". Social democracy blends capitalism with strong welfare systems to ensure social equality. Norway, for example, is a social democracy. Do you have any encouraging words for young Norwegians seeking to break away from their socialist past?
Totally right Redlobster. I expect Lisandra to be the typical right wing American, who doesn't have the slightest idea what she's talking about when marking governments and political parties as being 'socialist'.
While accounts differ as to whether he commanded his men to machine gun striking workers ( somebody did, as 1500 workers died according to some sources) there is no doubt that Peron first attracted the attention of his superior officers and began his rise to General due to his actions against the striking Vasena Ironworkers in the Semana Tragica in 1919.
So to call someone “ socialist” whose whole career was based on beating and killing striking socialists is, to me, a bit of a stretch.
While accounts differ as to whether he commanded his men to machine gun striking workers ( somebody did, as 1500 workers died according to some sources) there is no doubt that Peron first attracted the attention of his superior officers and began his rise to General due to his actions against the striking Vasena Ironworkers in the Semana Tragica in 1919.
So to call someone “ socialist” whose whole career was based on beating and killing striking socialists is, to me, a bit of a stretch.

An excellent point, Ries.
And Douglas MacArthur, in July 1932, did something not too different to the "Bonus Army" of WW1 veterans, although sources indicate that only three of their twenty-six leaders were actual communists. I suppose it's also worth mentioning that MacArthur acted under direct orders from President Herbert Hoover.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts

--As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII
William Shakespeare
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An excellent point, Ries.
And Douglas MacArthur, in July 1932, did something not too different to the "Bonus Army" of WW1 veterans, although sources indicate that only three of their twenty-six leaders were actual communists. I suppose it's also worth mentioning that MacArthur acted under direct orders from President Herbert Hoover.

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts

--As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII
William Shakespeare
Sadly, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton all made their bones assaulting downtrodden veterans of WW1.
Totally right Redlobster. I expect Lisandra to be the typical right wing American, who doesn't have the slightest idea what she's talking about when marking governments and political parties as being 'socialist'.
Uh, well, I was actually quoting from a book. Written by someone else. Perónism, Kirchnerism..... pick your flavor of socialism. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... it's not that difficult of a concept. As anyone who voted for Milei will likely explain. Or, on a more pedestrian level, read what Wikipedia says about about Argentinian socialism:

BTW, would you please define a typical "right wing American"? As if I am an American; either northern, central or southern. Frankly, it sounds like you, the crustacean and the marsupial are the same poster using the same syntax. No worries though as the bon mots are all in good fun. Cheers.
Uh, well, I was actually quoting from a book. Written by someone else. Perónism, Kirchnerism..... pick your flavor of socialism. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... it's not that difficult of a concept. As anyone who voted for Milei will likely explain. Or, on a more pedestrian level, read what Wikipedia says about about Argentinian socialism:

BTW, would you please define a typical "right wing American"? As if I am an American; either northern, central or southern. Frankly, it sounds like you, the crustacean and the marsupial are the same poster using the same syntax. No worries though as the bon mots are all in good fun. Cheers.

Same syntax? Oh, now you hurt my feelings.

I need to go to my safespace and hug my rainbow unicorn plushie. While wearing my MAGA hat.
Uh, well, I was actually quoting from a book. Written by someone else. Perónism, Kirchnerism..... pick your flavor of socialism. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.... it's not that difficult of a concept. As anyone who voted for Milei will likely explain. Or, on a more pedestrian level, read what Wikipedia says about about Argentinian socialism:

BTW, would you please define a typical "right wing American"? As if I am an American; either northern, central or southern. Frankly, it sounds like you, the crustacean and the marsupial are the same poster using the same syntax. No worries though as the bon mots are all in good fun. Cheers.
No I won't define. You just confirmed my opinions about your type of Americans.