Maybe you didnt heard about the rockets falling in the south of israel every day,launched from the gaza strip.
The world can go and f..k itself,when the times came,nobody helped us,we had to fight alone
With all respect to Israelis and the Jewish people, I'm getting a little tired of the self-defense argument from the pro-Israel group. If you get stung by a bee, do you go out and attempt to exterminate the entire population of bees in and around your territory? When the IRA was bombing and terrorizing Britain in civilian targeted terrorist attempts, did they go out and blow up every suspected IRA hidout in Ireland and the civilians along with it? Do you think the ICC is probing Israel for war crimes because it acted in self defense?
I get that a country cannot sit back and do nothing about rockets being fired at it, regardless of whether those rockets get through or not. I get that something must be done about a terrorist group that runs the show outside your borders and is trying to destroy you in whatever way they can. However, mass civilian killings is not the answer, and I think you, in your heart, and every other Israeli for that matter knows that.
Sometimes mate, its ok to concede that the politicians in charge of your country are not doing the right thing. You can be pro-Israel and against the murder of innocent civilians at the same time. You do not have to justify those kind of atrocities and bring yourself down to the level of claiming self defence. You can agree with the rest of the world that is against genocide of Palestinians, against the continued illegal settlement activity by Israel, and of course against Hamas' constant provocation and terrorist activities.
In my eyes, Israelis suffer this ongoing conflict in many terrible ways. They live in a constant state of non-peace, their reputation in the international world in tatters, constantly having to defend their country's actions, dealing with various boycotts, sanctions, heavy handed propoganda against them, etc etc. Don't you think its time the Israeli people started to realize maybe there's another way? Maybe Sharon, Netanyahu and co are leading you into the fire rather than saving you from it? You have a democratic government. Fight for peace, not for war. Oppose illegal settlements, oppose the killing of innocent women and children no matter their race, oppose the constant abandonment of the peace process.
We can sit here and argue for hours about how this all started, which borders should be constituted, what type of citizenship Palestinians should have, what settlement activity is illegal and which is not, who fired first, why the UN should be ignored or not ignored, how much support the US and other countries give and why, etc etc. I'd love to discuss those things. What I will not put up with is pulling the self defence card in a war where the civilian causality rate is 1886 - 66. It kills all your credibility in what otherwise is a reasonable debate. You, me, and the rest of the world knows that isn't self defense, so maybe its time you drop that argument and move on.