In Search of George Bush's Brain !!!

Granadaiscool wrote:"First Hitler was never elected Bush is" You're obviously not to hot on general knowledge. Adolf Hitler was elected to power (as "Führer") in 1933."Just imagine how stupid the Americans are then" And just how stupid does your appalling ignorance make you then?Granada... if the administrators do nothing to discipline you (and I have already asked them to), someone else will have to do it for them. And guess what? I volunteer. I smoke fags like you.
Cheers,ErniePS: WynnsWoods, I loved your post!
I refuse to get into the silly crap that seems to happen here but really some folks do need to read history. Hitler came to power legally was the point. Just as many of the wonderful leaders of Argentina who trashed the economy etc.
I guess the bottom line is this whole website degrades into name calling more often than not. Thanks to those that put useful information on the site and do not use it as a ranting board.
"WynnsWoods" said:
I wrote the original piece in this thread in an attempt to spread some humor regarding some of the stupid things that George W. Bush says. I thought it particularly significant that I am from the EEUU myself and therefore it would not be seen as discriminatory.

Well as you can read above, one person chose to immediately attack all Americans which I felt required some sort of response.
The lack of intelligence of GWB -- and his numerous gaffes and malapropisms -- is not a laughing matter anymore. The marionette is a dim-witted clod -- but the administration he heads is perhaps the most sinister in US history. Indeed, as John Dean contends in his latest book, there is a growing consensus among historians that GWB is the worst president in US history -- and that takes some doing. But as H.L. Mencken said eighty-seven years ago, "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
This Mencken quote allows me to segue into the point that GWB wasn't just elected but re-elected -- and he won the re-election fair and square. The fact that about half the voters (i.e. those who bothered voting in this best of all possible democracies) voted for this clod reveals much about the USA. Writers and scholars have theorised as to why so much of the electorate voted this way -- and often against their own interests, as Bush is a puppet of the rich; one book is Thomas Frank's "What's the Matter with Kansas?" But certainly one factor has been an American antipathy towards the intellectual, sophisticated, and articulate (aka "metrosexuals" or "girlie men"). Thus when both candidates were asked what was their favorite book (in 2000), both unhesitatingly replied. "The Bible." Not Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason," nor Spengler's "Decline of the West." No sirree, we don't want no intellectuals here, rubbing in their intellectual superiority; we want a man of the people, inarticulate and slow, who into things like hunt'n and fish'n.
"Ernie" said:
Granadaiscool wrote:
"First Hitler was never elected Bush is"
You're obviously not to hot on general knowledge. Adolf Hitler was elected to power (as "Führer") in 1933.
"Just imagine how stupid the Americans are then"
And just how stupid does your appalling ignorance make you then?
Granada... if the administrators do nothing to discipline you (and I have already asked them to), someone else will have to do it for them. And guess what? I volunteer. I smoke fags like you.

PS: WynnsWoods, I loved your post!
Avendida de Mayo today at 7?
Hitler was never voted in as president

Hitler was never voted in as president.
Who said he was?
Avendida de Mayo today at 7?
Make it 23:00hs. Av de Mayo and Carlos Pellegrini. Have someone call an ambulance for you. You'll need it.
"Ernie" said:
Hitler was never voted in as president.
Who said he was?
Avendida de Mayo today at 7?
Make it 23:00hs. Av de Mayo and Carlos Pellegrini. Have someone call an ambulance for you. You'll need it.
Ok see ya

thanks wynn sometimes if you dont laugh at the world you will only be depressed and bitter.
It was funny no one wanted to defend the history of Argentine government. Now its gotten to the "oh Yea" type arguements. What a hoot. I guess in this forum he who shouts the most wins. I cannot wait to visit Argentina in November it sounds like a passionate, illogical, wonderful, crazy place.
It's just a question of site administrators failing to discipline members who launch pointless personal attacks on other members, which causes other members to eventually get fed up of their imbecility. Granada has been asking for this for months now.
big bad wolf wrote;
"This Mencken quote allows me to segue into the point that GWB wasn't just elected but re-elected -- and he won the re-election fair and square. The fact that about half the voters (i.e. those who bothered voting in this best of all possible democracies) voted for this clod reveals much about the USA. Writers and scholars have theorised as to why so much of the electorate voted this way -- "

It is a fact that the average attention span for the broad demographic american TV program audience is 17seconds. I think that tells one alot about how easy it was to pull the hood over the eyes of the greater North American public.. Also the biggest disadvantage we have of having lived in a democracy for as far as we can remember is that we can not quite believe that our leaders would lterally "screw us". The Argentines and similar peoples are much more distrusting of its leaders because thay have seen at close hand exactly how greed, power and ambition affects their daily lives and how its a case of"each for his own". You want to know why Argentines dont invite you in their homes? because we forget that the majority of our Argentine friends grew up in a dictatorship. Curfews, night raids, executions. We in the US and the UK have never seen that kind of thing since the inquisition.
Who remembers playing cowboys and indians, when we grew up, or "gerries and Brits" in my case? We were always the "goodies" and the enemy was the "baddie". The germans were all S.S and the japs were torture experts, my brother's taught me to be a dab hand at giving "chinese burns". Sadly we have lots of baddies in our midst and it just takes a while longer for the wider trusting public to catch on.
I also believe here is an element of denial. Its just too scary to think that our leaders/carers would deliberately, could deliberately put us in the firing line and worse be involved in plots and propaganda designed to draw us into their self-serving macabre plans.
Let me tell you that we, having this discussion, whether right or wrong and taking the time to disect the information made available and debate are a MINORITY group. The minority did not succeed in keeping the baddies out! Or should I say, the innocent (not all stupid) and trusting majority voted the baddies in!
It really is not nuclear physics!