in six weeks here i've dealt with...

Good Lord, if BA is too much for you I cannot imagine what would happen to you in Bangkok, that place IS extreme. Btw, I don´t think of London as Europe, let´s say Paris or Barcelona, not easy places to live also, a lot of stress.

You cannot write off a country or continent because of life in one of its biggest cities. I am currently in Phnom Pehn and I hate it, but the rest of Cambodia is not so bad (well, relatively speaking).
jrockstar80 said:
i just wanted to update this, for whatever it's worth, and say that i decided to leave. 2 months here was enough. i'm really sad to leave because in the end, i do like it here. i just can't ignore the things that keep happening to me. there was someone upthread who said something like, 'maybe you just keep putting yourself in a position where you're allowing these things to happen.' and i think that's basically true. i spent 2 weeks here before deciding to come here, and i knew BA wasn't an easy place, but I really underestimated it, and well, latin america. good luck everyone.
bye bye now....;) mr.Queens Native!I thought you new yorkers could make it anywhere!???:confused::rolleyes:
That is all that has happened in 6 weeks? You should be laughing not complaining! I've heard many horror stories here but never experienced one (in many years here). To the poster and many of you in BA...use big city common sense.....after dark take a cab everywhere, if your a woman don't walk alone, DONT look like a target (No Iphones, expensive clothes, Couch purses, etc) and above all-don't try to save a little cash by living not living in a great neighborhood-Recoleta or Puerto Madero. Always change your locks in a new place. Never give your key to anyone. If it's late a night-keep an eye behind you! A little common sense and you'll be fine.....Realize...It is a big city in SOUTH AMERICA...

I've been in South America 7 years and had one incident of crime-an attempted pick pocket in which I caught the guy and the cops took him to jail. Keep in mind, expensive neighborhoods have great security! Currently-Recoleta close to Patio Bullrich-Expensive but there is a few security guards on every block! Want better...Puerto Madero is monitored by military police-no crime happens there!

Don't do BA on the cheap-your portero will steal from you, you will get robbed in many neighborhoods, and likely robbed by roommates.

Just my opinion and experience but 7 years here and basically nothing bad! Stats can't lie!
Don't do BA on the cheap-your portero will steal from you, you will get robbed in many neighborhoods, and likely robbed by roommates.

My portero in the suburbs? They guy is 30 years in the job, every morning at 7 cleaning the street. I can put a bag of money inside my place and give him the key, I can even give him a bag of money and he will keep it until I come back. You don´t need to live in Recoleta-Palermo to be safe, in fact a lot of neighbourhoods far from those two feel safer, especially outside BA. But yes, I don´t know why people rent in San Telmo-Constitucion-and (!!!) La Boca.
"never give your key to anyone."

what makes me feel safe in my palermo soho house is the very fact that my 3 wonderful argentinian neighbors/friends have keys to my house, as does my very trusted housekeeper.
I was working late one night with a touch of the missing home blues and these posts made me burst out laughing which was so needed! Thankyou I love a bit of dark humour and the human shit and old lady robbing the blind man descriptions had tears rolling down my eyes.... Life is all about these experiences, thanks for sharing.