The thing is, that quality industries are always from developed countries that have strong internal markets and dont need an internal demand (thats why they expand and conquer other markets) as this non.competitive industries from the developped world. So if you give these national industries from peripheric countries competition, you ll kill them. In fact, that happened with Argentinas national industries both times the market opened to external products, in neoliberal governments: they dismanteled a lot of industries because they simply couldnt make it with external competition. Competition makes the rich richest and the poor poorer, in other words, concentrates the capital, and that serves to have a more competitive product to go and conquer other markets to concentrate more the capital and like that ad infinitum. So you will always have protectionism with these local and week industries of these countries. So they need to grow and they only have one variable: internal market (they dont export), unlike the big corporations of China, the US, Germany, Japan, etc. It might sound paradoxical, buit to get competitive they have to make poor quality stuff.
And besides, this does not mean that planned obsolesence is out of the first world products, with smart phones, ipods, and a huge etc