Interesting site comparing stats between countries. What to expect when you move.

Bookmarked. Thank you. I shall have hours of fun playing with that. (For instance, I didn't realise before that Canada uses more oil per capita than the USA though I suppose it makes sense when you think about it.)
I think it is a pretty cool tool, I been trying different countries.
We all know how far behind the US we are in every field. Still, and if the statistics are right, we managed to keep our life expectancy only 1.48 years behind. I guess the say's true after all:

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Only explanation I can think of right now.

Interesting site, btw. Thanks. :)
BUT - you're missing the most important things - you can buy GOOD cidre for 7 or 8 pesos a bottle, GREAT beer for about the same - and CHEAP cigarettes - and MOST of all you can have a LIFE here :) I haven't even MENTIONED asados yet - or empanadas - there's a lot here that is pretty damn good - and although I have no idea what my life expectancy is (even though I know that the way I enjoy myself its probably not that great ;) lol ) I have to say one thing - I know I will ENJOY IT HERE - and have a quality of life I may not necessarily get somewhere else - there's more to the equation than meets the eye :)