Invest In Parking Lot

In 2007 when I was still living in NYC I served as a juror in the trial of Vincent Basciano a.k.a."Vinny Gorgeous".
He was the head of the Bonanno Crime family. One of the ways to raise money was to extort protection money from Manhattan parking lots.
They would demand money from the Parking lot owners. If they didn't pay they would send several "associates" during the night.
Pick several expensive cars at random and set them on fire after totally trashing them with baseball bats.
The parking lot owners would always pay protection $$$ after that.
Invest in Parking lots ???. Not me, thank you.


Is that why you left NYC? Fortunately, there are no mafiosos in Buenos Aires.
Is that why you left NYC? Fortunately, there are no mafiosos in Buenos Aires.

I did leave NYC about six months after the trial ended. But "My Cousin Vinny" had nothing to do with it. It was already in the works before the trial started.
All the jurors ID's were kept hidden. I was Juror number 4. We addressed each other by first name only but we could use any name we wanted. The trial was open to the public, so "family" members could attend. I remember getting "looks" from various characters in the gallery. I didn't know who they were so it didn't bother me.
We were driven into the courthouse after being picked up at various secret locations around the city. The mini van had tinted windows and was driven by two armed Marshals. We went out the same way. So nobody saw us going in and nobody saw us going out. One of the jurors lived walking distance to the court house but he was also picked up & driven in & out. Lunch was delivered every day. Some of the Goodfellas who testified against Basciano were portrayed in the film Donnie Brasco.
In the end they all turned on each other, cutting deals to get their sentence reduced. They were all psycophathic monsters, some more scary than others.
I have to admit that it was absolutely fascinating. A lot of the evidence we saw & heard was never released to the pubic. I still have all the notes from the trial.
They all got lengthy sentences, Mr Basciano is serving life.

So invest in Parking lots ??? Fahgettitaboutit !!!!
