Though there is nothing formally organized, the Malba Restaurant specially the terrace on Saturdays and Sundays seems an American Club. Hanging out several weekends might facilitate the contact with other americans. me myself have lunch there quite often and I hear more english than spanish. Who knows? Sometimes friendships arise from unexpected circumstances or from casual chat...
I remember when I heard another argentine voice in USA I would look around say the whole whole foods (an organic supermarket), Banana Rep. just to say Hi, some would have buena onda, some would be terribly snappy(the first day I felt like crying three days on a row then nothing), but I always tried to enlarge my circle by trying to meet new people. Then I realized that some were not my type and that being back here I wouldn't have bothered to meet because we didn't share interests or because they were not my type or because whatever but I never stayed still. I think that you have a great advantage over me with so MANY gringos. no excuses to feel lonely. When I heard ARGENTINO i felt excited! Mind you that for the average american I was Brazilian, Chilenean, or any other southamerican country citizen (do they teach geography in the usa?) Just joking..........
I hear gringo on every street. I'm afraid of losing our national language

But believe me, keep going out, and don't be afraid of introducing yourself, some people will behave like "forros""(sorry I'm terribly bad spoken, I am always censored when I dine out with older people), but you have to give the first step. It takes courage. After the first "caraculico", things will get smoother.
P.S: If you enjoy sports, jogging or so on, I normally go running with my cocker spaniel on saturdays and sundays who is terribly fit and an excellent guardian so that is excelent excercise. Maybe this won't encourage you but I have been robbed under the bridge that is just beside Rosedal where FA gives a little turn so going in groups would be safer. Anyways whenever I get there I always wait for a big group to get pass under the bridge.there are small children aged 8-12 that wait above the rails of the train and when a loner and absent minded as me passes puffff!!! they take profit of the occassion so all of you running along Figueroa Alcorta be aware