Just to give the counter argument and whilst noting that budgets/situations are all relative. But I would say the uncertainty would make me consider deeply moving here permanently (i.e. selling my home country property, packing up things and moving).
Since October, inflation is roughly 100% and the currency has actually appreciated against the dollar. I think there is some acceptance that in the very short term this trend is likely to continue (inflation being greater than currency depreciation) but in the medium term who really knows.
I think those who will successfuly move to Argentina long term will be ok with this uncertainty for one of a few reasons: price insensitive, able to change spending habits, enjoy uncertainty.
To summarise: don't move to Argentina if certainty is incredibly important to you -- which is perhaps the least controversial thing ever written on this forum

. There are 100 reasons to move to Arg though, and you have to weigh it up.