Is Bsas Uncomfortable Right Now/also Car Question

It depends where you are. We're in Chacarita, right on the border of Palermo Hollywood and Colegiales and last week we had 3 powercuts in as many days, lasting anything from 6 to 14 hours. It was particularly horrendous because of the heat and didn't feel safe at all coming home at night with no lights on within a six to 10 block radius...not even traffic lights. A friend of my husbands in the provincia hasn't had power for a week. I haven't noticed any shortages although you can't get much at all in the way of imports (all the basic and locally produced stuff is available no problem). As for your dollars stretching. It isn't cheap here...inflation is at around 30% and while you can get a better deal exchanging your dollars on the blue market, you have to go to a cueva (illegal exchange place) to do that.
Car hire is extortionate. Much more expensive certainly than what you'd pay in Europe.
Of course if you change your money do it in a cueva not in a oficial exchange house, having that rate is cheap with oficial rate is not cheap.