Is Cristina on the comeback trail?


Mar 20, 2014

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.

They say you can't keep a good man down. Obviously the same applies to women.
One has to wonder, if the current brand of Peronismo/Kirchnerismo ushered in such national dissatisfaction as to give the likes of Milei unprecedented popularity, why the left would want to revisit that or think that the reactionary results wouldn't be any different the next time around.

IMO, the Peronist movement would do best to distance itself from CFK, just as the Democrats distanced itself from Hillary Clinton.
One has to wonder, if the current brand of Peronismo/Kirchnerismo ushered in such national dissatisfaction as to give the likes of Milei unprecedented popularity, why the left would want to revisit that or think that the reactionary results wouldn't be any different the next time around.

IMO, the Peronist movement would do best to distance itself from CFK, just as the Democrats distanced itself from Hillary Clinton.

An interesting observation, Luke, but drawing parallels between US politics and politics here in Argentina is kind of apples and oranges, and identifying Argentine Peronism with the Democrat party in the USA is, with respect, even more questionable.

I suspect that CFK can successfully scapegoat Alberto for the disasters of his government, especially now that his wife has accused him of domestic violence, and even more so because she publicly disagreed with him on some of his less popular decisions.
Wishful thinking teetering on delusion?

CFK is now just one supreme court appeal away from a six-year prison sentence and lifetime ban from public office for just one of her corruption cases.

IMO UCR will fill the void as the center of the new left-leaning opposition until a new block with new faces is eventually formed. PJ has lost too much credibility from their own wrongdoings and Argentines have largely given up on "old school" politicians.
Regardless, our own personal beliefs, hopes and suspicions will only be confirmed or discarded at the mid-term elections next year as to how the political trajectory for the rest of the 20s may likely pan out.

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Wishful thinking teetering on delusion?

CFK is now just one supreme court appeal away from a six-year prison sentence and lifetime ban from public office for just one of her corruption cases.

IMO UCR will fill the void as the center of the new left-leaning opposition until a new block with new faces is eventually formed. PJ has lost too much credibility from their own wrongdoings and Argentines have largely given up on "old school" politicians.
Regardless, our own personal beliefs, hopes and suspicions will only be confirmed or discarded at the mid-term elections next year as to how the political trajectory for the rest of the 20s may likely pan out.

Some elected posts in Argentina carry a political immunity, no? Perhaps CFK is trying to buy herself a few more years of freedom via public office.
why the left would want to revisit that or think that the reactionary results wouldn't be any different the next time around.
It's important to remember that Peronism is a 3rd way political philosophy that isn't left wing or right wing; Cristina's slate within the PJ is more "progressive", sure, but to call it the left is extremely inaccurate, especially when there is an actual alliance (albeit small) of left wing parties in Congress, the FIT-U.

Back to the topic at hand: people often dismiss Narcissus as being the product of Greek Mythology, but with each passing year I'm further convinced that Cristina Kirchner might be his reincarnation. She is completely blind to her failures/screwups, engages in no self criticism/reflection, refuses to acknowledge her role in dooming the country to Milei twice via picking Alberto and then Massa (the administration in which she was the Vice President of, she can't claim to have no idea what was going on) and yet she's what, supposed to come swoop in and save Argentina from the mess she made? Sounds like something Alberto might say: "Why do you make me hit you?"

Also, didn't she claim she was judicially barred from running for president? She's 71, women live to 75 on average in Argentina. She should go down to one of her mansions in Santa Cruz and relax, or go shopping in Paris for Gucci and Dior, or hang out with friends and loved ones. She already made her legacy, sure, it's one of failure and defeat, but sometimes you chose wrong, and she did in choosing the wife beater and spineless weasel that nobody likes, and it gave us Milei. Worry about what can be, not what has been Cris.