You were the one who mentioned Panama:
I highlighted a section because it's relevant, and, as I quoted: “Mr Trump has shown that threatening Panama’s economy and national identity can yield major concessions from its government. Panama has not just pushed through the sale of the canal ports since Mr Trump took office. It has supported his efforts to deport migrants who entered the United States illegally. It has accelerated plans to invest in infrastructure to solve water-supply issues on the canal which have irked American officials. So far,
Panama has received nothing in return, not even a cooling of Mr Trump’s rhetoric”.
To be clear, Panama (not Argentina)
fully complied, as you put it, with Trump's requirements. Yet the orange-haired shakedown artist keeps threatening Panama. And still, you think Trump is, or will be, good for Argentina?

Trump's only demonstrated interest so far, for Panama, Greenland, Ukraine, various allies, with Argentina to come, is to shake them down.
I'll lay it out for you again, sucking up to Trump is a mug’s game (and, yes, we have the ideal mug).