My husband attributes all Argentina's woes to a basic lack of respect between individuals..from crazy driving to scamming your best friend the idea of solidaridad is nothing more than idea. On monday this week we received a school note advising us that our son's teacher was leaving, the next day for a better paid job in the public sector meaning less work days and hours and more pay. My son, sobbed a little as he's a very sweey 7 yr old.
I am pleased to say 92% of the mums felt infuriated re lack of prior notice, lack of respect with such a sudden mid-term departure. not to mention thatthis teacher only joined the school in March after many previous applications but the 2 parents (the 8%) who disagreed basically said "well she can get more money elsewhere good luck to her"...they simply couldnt understand the idea of vocation., notice period, quitting mid-term or not applying for a new job if you have intentions to leave it within 2 months (the public school places do not process quickly).
I tried so hard to say this isnt the right way to do things without imposing my culture but this is just a simple example of how day to day individuals put their own monetary needs before anything else...which you may justify due to inflation but this is middle class territory where noone is starving to death.
Soledaridad, patria, luca..all just empty words because actions peak louder than words.
I am pleased to say 92% of the mums felt infuriated re lack of prior notice, lack of respect with such a sudden mid-term departure. not to mention thatthis teacher only joined the school in March after many previous applications but the 2 parents (the 8%) who disagreed basically said "well she can get more money elsewhere good luck to her"...they simply couldnt understand the idea of vocation., notice period, quitting mid-term or not applying for a new job if you have intentions to leave it within 2 months (the public school places do not process quickly).
I tried so hard to say this isnt the right way to do things without imposing my culture but this is just a simple example of how day to day individuals put their own monetary needs before anything else...which you may justify due to inflation but this is middle class territory where noone is starving to death.
Soledaridad, patria, luca..all just empty words because actions peak louder than words.