is it possible for a husband to transfer property to wife?


Dec 17, 2009
The wife has DNI and the husband doesn't. Is it possible to transfer the property deeds to the wife to help with the sales process of the house without incurring too many costs or would it be seen as the same as the husband selling the house to the wife?
If I am not mistaken, a wife and husband are considered "one" here (when it comes to real estate). If one or the other buys a property, the other is also owner. So I don't think you can "transfer" or "sell" between husband and wife.
We went through something similar.
If the husband or wife owned a property prior to marriage, it is not a joint asset. It is still owned by the purchaser.

To the OP - no idea on your question unfortunately. Probably best to check with a real estate lawyer.
citygirl said:
If the husband or wife owned a property prior to marriage, it is not a joint asset. It is still owned by the purchaser.

to argentine law?
katti said:
to argentine law?

Yes, any assets acquired before the marriage (or inheritances acquired during the marriage) are the individual property of that spouse. Any assets acquired during the marriage are owned jointly, no matter who's name is on the paperwork.

For example, a house with just the husband's name on the escritura but with the escritura dated after the marriage, is owned by both the husband and wife.
katti said:
to argentine law?

Yes. What you come into the marriage with is yours and remains yours. What you purchase while married is a joint asset.

ETA - Ndcj explained it better than I did :)
What happens if you buy a property, then marry to an Argentine in Argentina and later divorce.

The value of your property went from 100.000 dollar to 200.000 dollars
the house was bought before the marriage so is transferring ownership an option or joint ownership? How would that work?
Civil Code:
Art. 1.358. El contrato de venta no puede tener lugar entre cónyuges, aunque hubiese separación judicial de los bienes.

Art. 1.807. No pueden hacer donaciones:
1° Los esposos el uno al otro durante el matrimonio, ni uno de los cónyuges a los hijos que el otro cónyuge tenga de diverso matrimonio, o las personas de quien éste sea heredero presunto al tiempo de la donación;

I think that it cannot be done.

But it depends if the marriage was done in Argentina or if it is registered in Argentina.

Art. 1.277. Es necesario el consentimiento de ambos cónyuges para disponer o gravar los bienes gananciales cuando se trate de inmuebles, derechos o bienes muebles cuyo registro han impuesto las leyes en forma obligatoria, aportes de dominio o uso de dichos bienes a sociedades, y tratándose de sociedades de personas, la transformación y fusión de éstas. Si alguno de los cónyuges negare sin justa causa su consentimiento para otorgar el acto, el juez podrá autorizarlo previa audiencia de las partes.
También será necesario el consentimiento de ambos cónyuges para disponer del inmueble propio de uno de ellos, en que está radicado el hogar conyugal si hubiere hijos menores o incapaces. Esta disposición se aplica aun después de disuelta la sociedad conyugal, trátese en este caso de bien propio o ganancial.

In fact, you need the signature of your spounse even for selling your own property.

So, the best option to save taxes is to become Argentine and then you don´t have to pay them.

ndcj said:
Yes, any assets acquired before the marriage (or inheritances acquired during the marriage) are the individual property of that spouse. Any assets acquired during the marriage are owned jointly, no matter who's name is on the paperwork.

For example, a house with just the husband's name on the escritura but with the escritura dated after the marriage, is owned by both the husband and wife.
Oh mean that the 6 houses that I bought for mistresses actually belong to my wife. Ironic indeed.