Is It Time To Separate Passengers From Luggage ?

This is assuming that all the travelers are law abiding folks right?

For those that are not so inclined, then the passenger:luggage link should remain... say for instance: passenger Smith gets pulled aside to be asked about a certain piece of luggage with the first question being "is this yours?" before it can be opened. If the luggage in question actually belongs to passenger Jones and he's smuggling 10k of liquid cocaine, then the security issue could backfire.
Is it a standard practice NOT to lump other unrelated issues, when analyzing one specific issue?

Issues of lost luggage, drug trafficking, money laundering, ... etc etc ... have nothing to do with the security issue.

They have to be dealt with, as they are currently dealt with now, or . improved , ...or worsened ? ... separately

Solving and savings will be achieved on the SECURITY issue.
This is not a magic panacea to solve and savings on OTHER UNRELATED issue.

I`d love to arrive at airport last minute like good old days, have a basic direct complete body search, ... get it over with in minute, and off you go. Rather than the useless endless flawed too big to control, complicated, ordeal for 2 or 3 hours in the airport.

I forgot to mention I use the word SECURITY to refer to airplane SAFETY.
In my dictionary the word safety does NOT refer to drugs, lost luggage, ... etc.
Then where are the savings you mentioned if the security measures stay the same?
Is it a standard practice NOT to lump other unrelated issues, when analyzing one specific issue?

Issues of lost luggage, drug trafficking, money laundering, ... etc etc ... have nothing to do with the security issue.

They have to be dealt with, as they are currently dealt with now.
How is drug trafficking not a security issue? The sercurity bottle-neck at airports is dominated by either possible terrorism, drug trafficking, or human trafficking. I don't see how anonymous luggage solves the issue of air travel cost.
The fact that people are trying to smuggle anything (drugs, bombs, or iPhones) is one of the reasons for the increased airport security. Anonymous luggage might even complicate things more if the luggage goes to one airport and the owner is elsewhere no?
Luggage need not be inspected at all, if the old clunker explodes with all the luggage who cares!

Perhaps the families of the flight crew(s)?
I don't think you magically double the passenger capacity of a passenger airplane by converting the cargo space.
statistically speaking, the "security issue" is minimal.
what you meant to say is "paranoia".
How many blew up today?
Today no pasa nada. But last Saturday ONE DID ... with 224 people !

  • If the cargo airplane explodes over a city, nobody cares?
I wouldn`t care much about a cheap cargo drone transporting a bunch of junk. It`s a heck of a lot different story if the same plane had 224 people on board over the same city.

  • Having luggage and passengers split is a terrible idea in case one of the airplane needs to be rerouted for example.
Lost luggage is NOT unheard of, it happens all the time. Lost luggage MANAGEMENT is an existing issue.

The actual odds of luggage being explosive are tiny.
But when it happens it`s DEVASTATING!
What if you could have saved ONE life (let alone 224 ).

The cost of doing what you propose would basically double the price of every airline ticket. Probably more than double, as if you double the flights you would need not only double the planes, fuel, and crew, but billions of dollars worth of new radar, flight controllers, runways, airports, and equipment.
As previously explained ticket fair will cost almost 1/2 (HALF). Also, last minute check-in (like good ol days) before your flight will be the new norm again. The current 2 or 3 HOURS check-in procedures will be a thing of the past.

Perhaps the families of the flight crew(s)?
In context, once again, ... a drone transporting a bunch of junk is an absolute no worry. Compared to 224 people sitting on top of 224 POTENTIAL TICKING BOMBS.