Is laziness a virtue in Buenos Aires?

I would take a closer look at what you consider laziness. In the states we have the "I live to work" mentality while here it's more "I work to live," and frankly I much prefer the latter. Taking time to enjoy life is absolutely a virtue, as it should be in any culture. If that means relaxing in a park or spending a long afternoon drinking mate and eating facturas and generally enjoying one's friends and family and the blessing of free time... que hay de mal??
EliA said:
I would take a closer look at what you consider laziness. In the states we have the "I live to work" mentality while here it's more "I work to live," and frankly I much prefer the latter. Taking time to enjoy life is absolutely a virtue, as it should be in any culture. If that means relaxing in a park or spending a long afternoon drinking mate and eating facturas and generally enjoying one's friends and family and the blessing of free time... que hay de mal??

I agree with this completely!!
But really, cricri, where were you trying to go with this? Just stirring the pot or what?
But really, cricri, where were you trying to go with this? Just stirring the pot or wha

I am aware I sound a bit provocative, but I think that my viewpoint might trigger interesting debates.. I agree with all of you that" Taking time to enjoy life is absolutely a virtue" Bs As "time elasticity" is sometimes great
Ryoga said:
its an Italian thing: maximum profit with minimal effort.

even italians aren't like this anymore. it's beyond italian! ;)
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