Is Someone Watching Us? Should We Fell Paranoic?

What the fu...k is "illegal war". If you really think war has rules you are far less than 18 years old.
I intend to protest any war I wish. Legal or illegal. In fact I may protest some taxes and a few inalienable rights that have been userped along the way.

You're confusing the rules of war with the legal constraints to *declaring* wars. Our (US) wars are illegal by our constitution because they weren't declared by congress.
Oh dear your really have swallowed all their propaganda. Did you watch the video?

What happens when the government changes and decides it doesn't like what you said on Facebook / Twitter / Text / on the phone / To your friend in the pub but your smart phone still recorded it - that one time?

The video was supposed to supply some humor to the topic in this thread that continually heats up.
1. If you think the NSA is interested in you or your email, you have a super inflated view of you.

Quakers aren't usually known for being inflated, but my local oatmeal eatin' moments-of-silence loving Friends group was infiltrated by the FBI. I was followed around by the Secret Service for months while making anarchist style anti-war collage posters at age 16. They didn't even give up the whole file through the Freedom of Information Act. Believe it or not, you can be pretty nonsubversive and completely noncriminal and get on the radar.

some intelligence
Only mitigating aspect of the global surveillance program is the chimps who would seem to be running it.
Me, I'm rather distrustful of anyone in power. Living in Argentina for a long time has made this much worse. I wouldn't trust our U.S. government to keep our best interests at heart for even a moment's notice. The trends that are happening in the U.S. right now are startling, and the whole thing with Snowden is just yet another indication that our government and nation is sliding into the Roman Empire mode. I could see in 20 years or so something startlingly evil--Nazi type evil, coming from our government. Maybe that won't happen, but it wouldn't surprise me as the poor get poorer and the rich richer, the government grows more authoritarian, and people become more materialistic, apathetic, and decadent.
Me, I'm rather distrustful of anyone in power. Living in Argentina for a long time has made this much worse. I wouldn't trust our U.S. government to keep our best interests at heart for even a moment's notice. The trends that are happening in the U.S. right now are startling, and the whole thing with Snowden is just yet another indication that our government and nation is sliding into the Roman Empire mode. I could see in 20 years or so something startlingly evil--Nazi type evil, coming from our government. Maybe that won't happen, but it wouldn't surprise me as the poor get poorer and the rich richer, the government grows more authoritarian, and people become more materialistic, apathetic, and decadent.

I really like this guy.... How long have you been here Tex?