Is Something Different?

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Good points about the web design...I agree it's not laid out as well as it could be, especially when you're on a mobile phone.
It does seem like the vibe and participation are different. There used to be a lot more posts about little details of expat life, like good restaurants, where to take visitors, whether Palermo is only for tourists, and that kind of thing. I think the tide had moved away from BA as a big, easy expat destination, and the issues are a lot bigger and more serious. More unique visitors could also mean fewer repeat visitors, and the regular posters were always the lifeblood of this site more than the newbies. My thoughts after several years on this site...

If somebody can consistently dedicate, say, 4 hours a week doing something tedious like maintaining/organizing directory of links, please write to me. We do need help.

As to suggestions, you can not really apply the same reasoning as for a corporate site. A certain element of dissatisfaction is necessary and kind of works as a driving force. If everything is perfectly structured and organized, if everybody is sufficiently entertained just by reading the site materials, there is no reason to contribute. And ultimately people, who write interesting posts, keep this site going.

Current structure has been developed in years. It is not perfect, but it is reasonably acceptable for everybody. It works as a common denominator. Some of the things that are suggested are only one click away. For example, to see a long list of recent threads click on "View new content" link at the top right corner.

There are things that were added to the home page in response to some requests in the past. And the reasons may not be immediately evident now. On the other hand, there are things that are not prominently shown for a reason. For example, I don't want to show a block from classifieds on the main page for site not to look too commercial.

I am grateful for suggestions, but if once again, if you do want to improve the site and ready to work on it, write to me and we will arrange something.
My recommendations for categories:
info for expats with babies/kids,
info for newbies,
looking to buy something from someone on the forums,
looking to buy something in a shop and can't find it,
money transfer and bank issues,
currency exchange issues,
travel recommendations,
parents visiting from out of town recommendations,
complaints/venting/whining section,
"stupid" question about...,
becoming a permanent expat,
reviews of recent festivals/shows/events,

anything I'm missing?
My recommendations for categories:
info for expats with babies/kids,
info for newbies,
looking to buy something from someone on the forums,
looking to buy something in a shop and can't find it,
money transfer and bank issues,
currency exchange issues,
travel recommendations,
parents visiting from out of town recommendations,
complaints/venting/whining section,
"stupid" question about...,
becoming a permanent expat,
reviews of recent festivals/shows/events,

anything I'm missing?

Rants for/against CFK
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