Is there an (official) currency exchange in Ezeiza?

Thanks for your reply. I have now further questions.
Do they use (sort of) official exchange rate, ask for the source of fund (such as ATM receipt, what if WU receipt), have $100 limit for non-resident, and open until midnight? :
Casa de Cambio / Cajeros automáticos (dated 16 Dec 20)
Las casas de cambio atienden al público de acuerdo a la programación de los vuelos. En el Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza, el Banco Nación -ubicado en Arribos de la Terminal A- realiza cambio de moneda durante las 24 horas.

Trust nothing of course. Phone numbers are provided for Banco Nación & Banco Piano so if you find you need to turn to Ezeiza for exchange you can call in advance for schedule and details. Personally I have never had to exchange leftover ARS for USD - my wife happily blows it all at duty free on alfajores.
except all the locally made stuff is about 3 times more expensive in duty free than in town. But if you want to get some perfumes, european chocolates, etc, you get the best bang for your buck - prices are in dollars, but you pay cash in pesos at an official exchange rate, which makes the already cheap things even cheaper. their website has the prices, so you can see if there is anything you might want and keep the right amount of pesos to use there ( plus a few pennies more just in case the dollars decides to jump last minute ). You can also use a credit card to pay the difference if you are a few pesos short.