Is Tomorrow A Holiday?

So those kids that are already missing 21 days of schooling from the strikes earlier this year can now add another to the list? And of course there were basically no classes on weds because of the match, and there won't be on Tuesday during the match with Switzerland etc...

Soccer For Everybody is, rightly, a higher priority than trivialities like education.
didnt say that... I watch it sometimes (currently not so much).... just to see what they say, whats the argument of the government in a lot of topics... it is important to hear all versions, and politically, they have always a point. Lots of times I do not agree with it, lots of times they simply lie (as if they make "operaciones mediáticas") but lots of times I agree on what they say, on their politicals views, arguments, etc.

It does sound like propaganda many times, but the thing is, they dont want to hide that, they present theirselves in society as ultra Ks, and will always defend the government.... unlike Clarin or La Nacion with "periodismo independiente" slogans...

Clarín and La Nación do indeed reflect "periodismo independiente," at least in the sense that they are not on the government payroll. 6-7-8 does not.
If I remember correctly (though I might be completely making this up), basically every job has it's 'day' in Arg - including the 'paper delivery boy' where there's hardly any newspapers that day as they can't be delivered (?!). I knew someone who's wife was a perfumista for a big brand company, and so on 'dia del perfumista' she got a day off work. The trouble with these is their randomness - how on earth are you to know that today is 'Dia del person who fills the ATM machines so there won't be any cash in them till midday Monday at the earliest'? Not a big issue unless you really need to see that person on that day, turn up and find the office is closed for 'dia del rubber stamper of essential piece of paper work' after you've taken time off work and trekked over on a packed colectivo to some far flung corner of the city in 35 degree 90% humidity planning to then take said piece of rubber stamped paperwork to the next stop seeing as you can't take another day off for a month.