"It Might Be Time To Get Out Of Argentina"

One thing you learn when you start investing, is to ignore analists. If they would be giving the right advice, they would not be analists anymore, because they would have retired a long time ago. If they give advice, it is to manipulate and benefit from people who believe easily.
IIRC a newspaper tipster in the UK was jailed when it was proved that he had been making up tips just to influence the market for his own ends.
IMHO the economy of Argentina will crash in 2019 and could be similar to 2001 . The situation on the ground is the worst I have seen since I have arrived in 2004 . Most small business owners are closing their doors as people are not spending but on the essential . Of course for a small group of people who live from large land holdings in the campo their lives have improved in the last years but this is only 5 % of the population . In spite of the downbeat economy the prices for everything is sky high including real estate, cars, household goods ,food etc etc . Real estate prices seem articially inflated with very high asking prices but few solid enquiries . Listings in zonaprop in the last six months have more than doubled and soon people will have to readjust their expectations to the reality of the market . It saddens me deeply that it has come to this but its time to move to greener pastures .
Central Bank Officer insisted today that the Inflation Goal is 15% p.a for 2018.:D The discount rate for checks is over 60 % . The CC interest 80%??o_Oo_O
Most small business owners are closing their doors

Not surprised....there's far too many of them all charging extortionate prices and lacking customer focus.

I think the answer is to open up competition and stop taxing imported goods so highly in order to protect home produced products which in the most part are sub standard.