It's time to fight back against Islamic death threats

kellymp said:
I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to an issue that you believe in, but it may be more helpful to post your feelings in a more organized way....just copying and pasting links is really chaotic. I don´t even understand what you are fighting for! Just a suggestion...
Thanks for the suggestion. I hope that if you access the linked material you may be able to comprehend the short intro and follow my chaos. The Pat Condell pieces speak for themselves and there is nothing I could add. Some believe it's unnecessary to paste a long quote from a linked piece. Often enough the linked piece adequately expresses the point I wish to bring to readers' attention. Sometimes I will reprint a paragraph or 2 if I think it is worthwhile or add my own comments.
This thread started out with a piece about the chill that Islamic fatwahs and death threats have created on the freedom of expression. Follow up included pieces demonstrating that blasphemy, a form of expression, is punishable by death in societies governed by Islamic law. Womens' and gay rights are also an issue in such societies.
darmanad said:
But it would be wrong for anyone to speak out against such barbaric state conduct. Right?

No, just another of your disingenuous "arguments." The point is this holier-than-thou attitude and cheap moral posturing is easy to maintain from a safe perch several thousand miles away. If you feel that strongly about moslem barbarism -- which I doubt -- go there and do something about it. You seem to have this fixation, perhaps obsession, about Islam. Why don't you do something about it instead of copying and pasting links?

What appears to be the case is you have a lot of free time and you are always trying to ensnare people in futile and purposeless online arguments (e.g., whether some of the Guantanomo detainees may not actually be terrorists). Most of the time no-one bites. I believe the term for such people is "troll."
bigbadwolf said:
No, just another of your disingenuous "arguments." The point is this holier-than-thou attitude and cheap moral posturing is easy to maintain from a safe perch several thousand miles away. If you feel that strongly about moslem barbarism -- which I doubt -- go there and do something about it. You seem to have this fixation, perhaps obsession, about Islam. Why don't you do something about it instead of copying and pasting links?

What appears to be the case is you have a lot of free time and you are always trying to ensnare people in futile and purposeless online arguments (e.g., whether some of the Guantanomo detainees may not actually be terrorists). Most of the time no-one bites. I believe the term for such people is "troll."

More nonsense from a coward who refuses to deal with issues and contents himself with cheap personal attacks on those who don't share his thinking. You deride me for trying to "ensnare people in futile and purposeless online arguments." Is that what you call inviting discussion of the issues? Your personal criticism of me is an admission that you have no cogent counter arguments. Instead of debating the message, you attack the messenger.

What you call "cheap moral posturing" and "holier-than thou" attitude is nothing more than straightforward reporting on issues, some of which are indeed "moslem barbarism" (to use your words). You admit the existence of Islamic barbarism, but attempt to ridicule me for "just" writing about it. You demand I do something more about my political views to prove my sincerity. Would you prefer I take to the streets gun in hand in a contra-jihad. Exactly what do you propose I do to show my sincerity? (not that I expect a real response).

You must be an Islamist if accurate news reports of Islamic social barbarism offends you. Your inability to acknowledge and condemn the problems inherent to Islamic society no doubt is related to your covert desire to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state and your professed love for Iran and it's statesman-like President.
Pakistan (MNN) ― Muslim extremists are blamed for the murders of five Christians in Pakistan in less than a week.
"There are concerns that the violence against Christians will continue. The marked increase in these cases has created a renewed call by human rights watchdog groups for an end to the blasphemy law. "