Javier Milei Infuriates G-20 by Rejecting Call for Gender Equality

I'll give one Canadian example of how the manipulation works. A local woman's shelter wants to tackle "gender based violence" by giving presentations to high school boys. Sounds reasonable. Who wouldn't want to help stop violence against women? But, when you go to the presentation, you find the speaker telling the boys that masculinity itself is the cause of violence against women. When you talk to the speaker afterwards, you find that he is a fan of radical feminists like bell hooks. So, the women's shelter are using the cause of "ending violence against women" as an underhanded way to inculcate radical feminism (which is anti-male and anti-western) in schools.

This is just one example, for the sake of illustration, that I saw with my own eyes during my six years as a reporter. I can give many, many more. All of our institutions in Canada, local and national, have been captured by social justice ideology. If you like that sort of thing, great. Maybe you should move to Canada. I just hope Argentina doesn't go down that road.
So you came to Argentina? You realize with the exception of troglodytes like Milei that Argentina is one of the most progressive countries in terms of women's rights in Latin America. Why not go to Afghanistan if you hate all this "woke gender ideology"?

And Canada is a shitty place to live for several reasons (out of control cost of living and housing crisis, the economy being stagnant, healthcare insufficiently funded, etc.) but if equity and inclusion is why you left then you A) came to the wrong place, and B) must really hate women and minorities then, which again, of all countries, why Argentina? and C) This says more about you then it does Canada.

My unsolicited advice to far right people is that if you want to criticize progressive politics that's cool and all, but you guys sound like most divorced men in history the way you talk about women...
Is masculinity toxic?
Should they all be identified and deported out of Argentina to Afghanistan?
Only Afghanistan?
No where else?
No other greener pastures for them?

But then there's a problem:
How would you identify them if we don't know what's a woman?

Or would it be more simple ,,, just cancel them all?
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Is masculinity toxic?
It's especially toxic when there's a noise downstairs at 3am and the man leaps out of bed to investigate while his wife and children sleep. Nothing more sexy and egalitarian than a man weighing 50lbs more than his wife/partner whimpering 'Did you hear that?! Can you go check...?'