At 14 pages, that's a long read.
I read the first two pages and skimmed the rest, and it's what I'd call a mixed bag of donuts. Some of it is reasonable, and some of it beyond what I would support.
There are some parts of the traditional "implied social contract" that make sense with biology, and that's just how it is. Sure, when newborn baby cries in the night, mom shouldn't have to get up and feed baby every time, dad should do it half the time, in theory. But dad doesn't have the equipment to feed baby, so that doesn't work in reality. Sweeping language like in this document doesn't acknowledge such basics, and thus when it becomes codified as law, it doesn't work, and distorts reality.
Not to mention the whole issue of DEI hires with inadequate skills getting the job just because they tick all the boxes with HR. Then you wind up with your fancy, expensive research ship driven onto a reef because the captain is incompetent.