Javier Milei's show at Luna Park

Okay, so I have a hypothesis that Milei is doing all this with his eyes wide open, That's not an endorsement, by the way, just an observation. Milei is an avowed libertarian anarchist capitalist, no?

Libertarian approximates to "get your government out of my business;" Anarchist approximates to "We don't need no steenkeng government" and what is Capitalism is left as an exercise for the reader.

Back in the 2000s, I'd say that it wasn't the Kirchner's who kickstarted the Argentine economy back to life, it was the world demand for what Argentina produced, the rise in the market prices and the willingness of the Argentine people to put the dreadful events of the time behind them. The Kirchners just took the credit.

There were at least two British politicians of the 80s and 90s who had been finance ministers yet admitted afterward that their policies made no real difference to the economic outcomes of the country: all they were really able to do was watch from the sidelines and when things went well, claim their policies had won the day but when things went badly just shrug and blame world events. The policies, they said, were just window-dressing. Even Napoleon recognised the inevitability of things and, far from forcing the population to do his will against their desires, was shrewd enough to sense the direction of the popular groundswell then place himself at the front and lead the people where they were already headed.

So now, here we are, with world events predicting a rise in commodity prices and weather events predicting some bumper harvests in Argentina over the next couple of years and all Milei has to do is stand back, watch what happens and wait to take the credit for what would have happened anyway.

Or blame external forces if it all goes wrong.
I'm sure he'll find some way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
It is exactly the poor Argentinos who voted for him and five months into his term are still going crazy for him, lining up for hours to get a ticket to see his cosplay show, Milei the Musical, despite the oft-cited poverty and inflation rates and who are also driving the second highest approval ratings in Latin America. That should tell people something about middle class views and suppositions (often shared here) being rather out of touch from the reality of those actually suffering from these problems and what they have already gone through to actually get to this point (while all these years such middle class views and suppositions have been mostly silent, enjoying their own political privileges…)

Expats don't like him because their cost of living has gone up. Most expats are boomers on fixed incomes who came down to BA to live like kings and complain, complain, complain and complain some more anytime prices go up a bit.

The poor, the ones who have suffered the most under AF, are the ones who have literally voted Milei in. Now expats who live in rich neighborhoods are saying they know what's best for the poor, and they should've voted for Massa instead.

Is Milei grasa? Yes

Is he cringe? Yes

Is he weird? Yes

The other party impoverished 50% of the country and those most hurt by it, voted Milei. They want to live better and couldn't care less about his cloned dogs.

Maybe at the end of 4 years, he does a worse job than AF, but the poor couldn't afford to continue with the same policies as before. They had nothing to lose and voted Milei.

Massa the champion of the poor according to privileged expats? He's now working for a fondo buitre that stripped Argentina of billions of dollars 😂

GeWell, the article doesn't really say anything new, but that video clip at the top is a curious mixture of cringe and OMG scary.
He gets extreme pleasure it seems in being destructive and vindictive . King of destruction he is achieving in 6 months the absolute desmanteling of all that is good in a country . Culture afuera . Public works afuera . Provinces afuera . Poor and hungry afuera . His chainsaw seems inmune of the casta !
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Expats don't like him because their cost of living has gone up. Most expats are boomers on fixed incomes who came down to BA to live like kings and complain, complain, complain and complain some more anytime prices go up a bit.

The poor, the ones who have suffered the most under AF, are the ones who have literally voted Milei in. Now expats who live in rich neighborhoods are saying they know what's best for the poor, and they should've voted for Massa instead.

Is Milei grasa? Yes

Is he cringe? Yes

Is he weird? Yes

The other party impoverished 50% of the country and those most hurt by it, voted Milei. They want to live better and couldn't care less about his cloned dogs.

Maybe at the end of 4 years, he does a worse job than AF, but the poor couldn't afford to continue with the same policies as before. They had nothing to lose and voted Milei.

Massa the champion of the poor according to privileged expats? He's now working for a fondo buitre that stripped Argentina of billions of dollars 😂


  • Modern society produces feelings of isolation and powerlessness. Complaining is a response to those conditions.
  • More than expressions of dissatisfaction, complaints are strategic forms of interaction—ways people position themselves in relationships.
  • Complaining can take the forms of ritual, play, work, and communion. Each has specific functions.
I think both ElHombreSinNombre and Macanudo sum things up well.

Until now very few laws and thus power structures have actually changed.
While fiscal policy changes have resulted in price changes that itself doesn’t mean much for people whose wages have also changed, or for people who were just as poor as before.
And it is undeniable that just like under the unholy trio of Alberto, CFK and Massa, millions of Argentines are having an unacceptably hard time and many state administrated services continue to be as awful as before.

People are not stupid and understand that in order for things to really start changing, they don’t just need new faces but they also need to be able to get very divisive laws that truly break with the status-quo through both Houses of government and that is not likely to happen (or at least with scale, speed and frequency) until at least the midterms next year when the president, who the vast majority of voters elected presumably because he represented a prospect of change, can have a chance at having a parliamentary majority.

In the meantime, all Milei is able to do is put on a show, run a vanity project complete with reinventing the presidential logo with an angry-looking teletubby-esque sun face on it, and continue taking credit for good news stories while minimizing the bad news stories… as until then not much else is going to happen other than what’s going to happen.

It will ultimately be that way for many years after any reforms are written into law too as their true judgement day will be how the model (like any model) survives macro-level crisis, as the previous Argentine model developed over the past two decades simply proved incapable of doing, exposing itself to voters as little more than an unsustainable illusion that knew how to ride the “good times” while selling it as a political “victory”.

The complainers will complain regardless, as being “anti-(insert theme/ person/ group here)” might as well be the new church groups for the modern era. People need villains to feel like victims in order to bond with fellow victims, share a sense of righteousness and live in the hope of one day sharing a victory “together” albeit far removed from their actual day-to-day.
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In the meantime, all Milei is able to do is put on a show, run a vanity project complete with reinventing the presidential logo with an angry-looking teletubby-esque sun face on it,
So will Karina's logo be Tarot cards all fanned out above a shield containing a chocotorta flanked by a pair of bedazzled flip flops with the motto "brotherly love"?
So will Karina's logo be Tarot cards all fanned out above a shield containing a chocotorta flanked by a pair of bedazzled flip flops with the motto "brotherly love"?
Personally I couldn’t care less about Karina’s logo, unless a huge amount of public funds were pissed away in its development, but I guess it could be entertaining to watch the “outraged” members on this forum using it “prove their point” (a simple burning personal preference for tiramisu over Chocotorta most likely being their point…) or make claims she should be investigated for heresy…
Personally I couldn’t care less about Karina’s logo, unless a huge amount of public funds were pissed away in its development, but I guess it could be entertaining to watch the “outraged” members on this forum using it “prove their point” (a simple burning personal preference for tiramisu over Chocotorta most likely being their point…) or make claims she should be investigated for heresy…
I don't think we'll ever know how much all this fanfare will cost, but for a government who's motto is "no hay plata " there sure seems to be a lot of superfluous spending and rebadging.