The more I watch Oliver the less I like him. If I want emotion packed, logic free rants I've got the Internet and Rush Limbaugh. He does have a talent for ridicule. But the way to convince me that someone's position or action is ridiculous is to use reason and logic, not ridicule. Ridicule makes it personal. As for his remarks about the tragic incident in Ferguson, I can determine for myself, thank you very much, whether the security camera film is relevant or not. Frankly, the fact that the kid had just committed robbery, and was stopped for walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic (I heard that on NPR so I tend to believe it) tells me that this kid was no angel. And I do find that relevant. I am sure not saying that the kid deserved to be killed. But I do think that it's too early to say which scraps of evidence are relevant and which are not.
My dos centavos. Bob